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Charlotte's POV

(Continuation of Charlotte's POV from ch-27)

Previously~"Story? About what?" I asked confused as this was really off the topic.

"About a little girl"


“I-I am out of words” I sobbed after hearing her open up to me about the most difficult time of her life.

“How cruel is this world? You were just five years old. How can a mother do something so vile to her own blood?” I questioned in disbelief about that monster of a mother.

How can she sell her own daughter for drugs and money and on top of that, five years old daughter, who instead smiling happily would have been living and crying in fear?

That little girl after that, lost two of her daughters few years later. Who, at that time, should have live like a child, had two kids herself. One, who was stilled birth and the other, a cancer victim.

“The world's cruelty is something that can never be predicted. The wicked people who born in this world, make good people turn vile too. They make monsters because they can't see others happy. There must be so many more victims who are afraid to come true to themselves and are suffering from fear of these wicked people. They spend their whole life fearing those, who should be fearing them.” Vanessa spoke getting up from the floor, where she was sitting crossed legs.

“So, I told you this because your nightmares and fear won't just go away themselves. You have to overcome your fears to make them go away. Keep fighting and consider a therapy. It will help fighting it.” She said giving me her hand to take it and stand up.

I stared at her standing so tall and fearless which gave me the courage to be a true survivor and fighter just like her.

The respect I had for her doubled over as I saw she hadn't spilled a single tear this whole time while I was crying my eyes out.

This girl is the reason that I'm able to see that no one else but me has the control over myself.

It's me who is in control of my own self. Not that bastard who tried to ruin me nor do the darkness of me or anyone.

“I'm grateful to you. I can never show what you told me means to me. Thank you for everything.” I smiled at her to which she only nodded, patting my shoulder awkwardly, before taking her leave making me chuckle.

“I guess she is both good and bad at comforting people.” I muttered before picking my mobile from the floor and dialling the number.

“Charlotte? Thanks the fucking fuck! Where the hell are you? You left your home and haven't been answering my calls! Do you know how worried both me and David are? Young lady! You have so much explaining to do.” Asher began to lecture me right away after picking the call-up.

“You were both worried? And? Isn't that your duty as my best friends or am I the only one who should worry about you both?” I gasped and scoffed dramatically.

“Eh! You wench!” I can practically hear him scowling just by hearing him, which earned a snicker from me.

“I called you to cancel any of your plans, if you have and meet me at our regular club in two hours. Also dress nicely and bring David too.” I told him or more like ordered him like a good friend that I'm.

A Tale Of The Hearts: The Memory ForgottenWhere stories live. Discover now