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Dante's POV

"Dante, Go and take a shower and eat something!" Dad pleaded me but all I can stare at was the body connected with different machines in front of me.

"Dante please! It's been two days since you've eaten anything or slept. You also have your medications." Asher requested, but I ignored them and clutched her hand tightly.

"I'm sorry Cece. I'm so fucking sorry love. It's all my fucking fault. I should have to save you soon. You wouldn't be fucking here!" I sobbed silently as my eyes started to become glossy.

"It's all my fault" I kept whispering as everything that occurred kept playing in my mind over and over again.

"Why do you not want your sons to know that she is your own daughter? Your own flesh and blood?" My mind went blank as Vanessa spoke.

"Sister? What do you mean?" I asked even though the medications I took were making me tired.

"She doesn't know or mean anything!" James Kingston said paled.

"Dad, What is she saying?" Anthony whispered, but you can easily identify that he only wanted the truth as answer.

"Son, We can explain." Juliet Kingston pleaded.

"YOU CAN EXPLAIN? WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN EXPLAIN MOM? HOW CAN YOU HIDE SOMETHING LIKE THIS? DOES SHE KNOW?" Seth Kingston yelled making his mother flinched and me rubbing my temples as pain shot through my head.

"Stop fucking yelling!" Vanessa hissed after noticing that the yelling was giving me a headache.

"It is all your fault! Why did you reveal it to my sons?" James Kingston hissed at Vanessa making me groan.

Vanessa quickly got up and stride towards James and next thing I saw was a knife placed on James neck.

"Do not fucking talk to me with disrespect. You should be thankful that I am even putting up with you bullshit. If it wasn't for my brother I could have care less about calling you. And I have all the fucking right to reveal because last time Charlotte wasn't saved by some miracle but me!" her voice boomed in the room attacking everyone with another piece of truth.

"It was you who saved her?" Juliet whispered to ask Vanessa as she settled down on the chair she was occupying before again.

"No, It was my ghost" Vanessa sarcastically said and rolled her eyes.

"What are you guys talking about?" I questioned but it was more directed to Vanessa.

"Okay now hear me out carefully because I won't repeat" Vanessa said, and I nodded.

"Charlotte have Kingston's blood running through her veins. Juliet and James had taken a big favour from Amara and Philip Hart. When Anthony was born, Juliet was suffering from a brain tumour. They were the one who paid for her operation. Philip Hart was the cousin of James. He and his wife couldn't have any baby, so as a favour James and Juliet gave them Charlotte when she was born. Anthony didn't remember this because he was only a year old. James and Juliet always tries to found a way to meet Charlotte because they were enchanted by the beauty of their daughter. They were getting jealous of Amara and Philip and their relationship with Charlotte. So, The day Dante meaning you, broke up with her, Charlotte wasn't supposed to be in a car. Juliet and James had someone mess with the car's break. It was meant for Amara and Philip, but she was coming for you Dante, but before she could, She got into an accident. The reason she lost her memory. Her condition was so critical and operation was very expensive. Philip hart was devastated as the loan from the bank wasn't an option. He asked money from the wrong crowd. He did manage to get all the money for Charlotte but went bankrupt and in debt. Charlotte's operation was successful, but she was in coma." Vanessa took a break while I was still registering everything in my mind when she continued again.

"Philip was having hard time earning money whereas Amara's health was getting affected seeing her family broken. Her husband was overworking while her daughter was in coma. One day, Amara received news that her husband was shot three times in the heart by some local gang member. The news broke her, and she couldn't take it any more. She was found in the washroom of her daughter's room with her hand slit open. She committed suicide." She paused and stared at my face to which I gave a nod to her to continue.

"Since, Both legal parents or guardians of Charlotte were dead. The authority contacted The Kingston as they were the blood parents of Charlotte. After a month in their care, Charlotte woke up from a coma. She didn't remember anything. She would get constant nightmares according to her medical report, of her forgotten memory. She remembered only bits of things and that too what David and Asher told her of. She later moved out from California to Washington D. C with Kingston since they wanter her to be far away from anything related to the harts. David and Asher also moved to Washington to be with her. That's where she met him. Austin William" Vanessa blankly explained.

"Who is Austin William?" I asked confused.

"Her stalker. He stalked her and make it seems like coincidences. They went out on dates together, but later he showed Charlotte her true colours. He became abusive towards her. He was so toxic that it effected Charlotte very much that she even tried to commit suicide and became self harming herself. She never confided into anyone but when she did and left him. He kidnapped her. I was on a mission and disguised as a maid when I came across her. I saved her from him after weeks of torturing. She didn't remember me because I made sure of it. And that's why I know everything about her." Vanessa looked with a deadly glint in her eyes as she saw me clenching my fists.

He fucking hurt her. How can he hurt someone so precious and adorable? She deserved the best and that is what she got?

I was brought out from my thoughts by Vanessa speaking which made my blood boil.

"This is why I called the Kingston family here. She's again with him, He faked Charlotte's death so that he could have her back. You need to save her before it is too late".

I saved her but it was already too late.

A/N: Heyoo loves!

Another chapter for you all. Enjoy💞💞

I'm now gonna update regularly guysss! My exams are don't worry❤

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Y'all will find out why Charlotte was admitted and what happened when they saved her!

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