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A/N: Edited again..and uploaded some book covers...check em out..and comment the most attractive one!

Dante's POV:

"Well, I didn't know, there was a show going on here."

“What the hell?” I scowled at a very smugly looking Vincenzo.

“What the hell what?” He questioned feigning innocence.

I unlocked the car and went to open the passenger door for Charlotte, but she already got herself out.

“What are you doing in the garage?” I asked staring at him with a frown.

“I? What can I do here? I was just cleaning my cars? Yes! I was cleaning my cars.” He chuckled nervously like he was caught during something.

“Whatever you bark. OK! Vincenzo meet Charlotte. Charlotte meet Vincenzo, my brother.” I introduced both of them.

“Hey! I have heard so much about you. I just hope we get along together.” Charlotte introduced herself with a cute smile and for a second, I thought I saw the sadness washing over the Vincenzo's face, but it vanished before I can catch it.

“I am Vincenzo as he already said. I hope all good things.” Vincenzo replied and shake each other's hand.

“Where's everyone?” I asked, but he finally took in my state and burst out laughing.

“Did you went shopping in the toddler's section?” He spoke between his hyena laugh making me roll my eyes.

“Shut up, dumbass!” I groaned then hold Charlotte's hand and dragged her inside with me meanwhile Vincenzo keeps laughing at my state from the garage.

“I HOPE THE POLICE WON'T COME TO ARREST YOU FOR STEALING TODDLER'S CLOTHES” I heard him yell making me scowl and Charlotte chuckle in amusement.

“He is just like you described him to me.” Charlotte softly said making me smile.

“You still remember?” I asked. I told her about everyone from my family when we were together. She used to listen to me like I was telling her about something intriguing.

“Well, of course I do!” She rolled her eyes pretending like it was the most obvious thing.

“Your mansion is beautiful.” She complimented as we both reached the main door.

“I am glad you like your soon-to-be home.” I whispered to myself, but I guess it wasn't quiet enough because Charlotte's cheeks turned completely red.

“What are you staring at? Let's go inside.” Charlotte scowled trying to act like her cheeks didn't just turn into tomatoes.

“Okay!” I said locking her hand with mine and headed in.

“Wait! What about my luggage?” Charlotte asked when she finally noticed that I left the luggage in the car.

“Don't worry about it. I will make someone fetch them for us.” I answered and walked towards the living room from where loud noises can be heard.

“I guess someone is fighting” Charlotte whispered to me but all I could do was shake my head because it has become the ritual of our house that not even one day can pass peacefully without any fight or argument taking place in this house.

“Welcome to the Rossi family where this is normal. Don't get scared if you find someone bleeding or stabbed.” I sarcastically remarked but I, in all way, was serious.

The whole commotion came to an end when both Charlotte and I caught the eyes of everyone. All of them, then roar into laughter after taking in the state of mine.

A Tale Of The Hearts: The Memory ForgottenWhere stories live. Discover now