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New Update💞 Enjoy reading



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P.s. Constructive criticism is appreciated❤

Love y'all❤

Also...I had published a chapter make sure to read that before this one!❤

Charlotte's POV:

“Vanessa? Where are we going?” My nervous self asked. My voice, barely above a whisper, was filled with anxiety.

“Carefully listen to me Charlotte, I don't know what your reaction will be or if it's even the right thing, but know that he is doing everything for you. If you don't like whatever he'll be doing, just keep in consideration that he was just doing it for you” Hearing Vanessa say this, my mind began to create different possibilities of what's going to happen. And none of them were good.

The worst one was the thought of us breaking up. Him leaving me is the worst thing in this world that can happen to me. The thought of him gone from my life was enough to make my heart ache in despair and pain.

“You are making me really nervous. Please tell me what's going on.” I pleaded. I was on the verge of crying. My tears were just at the bay of my eyes, with me trying not to let them fall. I can't let them fall. I won't. Furthermore, I'm strong, and I believe in his love for me. What is important is the fact that I know he won't leave me, neither will he do something to hurt me intentionally. So, I will be staying positive. No more negative thoughts. No more crying. Just trust him and your heart.

“We are almost there,” Vanessa stated.

I stared out of the window. We were on the deserted road, far from the bustling city with skyscrapers which passed by. Not even a soul was spotted. Everything was eerily quiet. No cars were on the driveway, but ours.

Vanessa pulled over on the empty road, at a distance from what looks to be an old, abandoned building or more like a warehouse.

I get off the car at the same time with Vanessa. I walked over to her and was about to ask where are we, but she beat me to it.

“Listen carefully Charlotte. We are at one of the warehouses of Italian Mafia. I don't let anyone hold my hand, but today you will be an exception. No matter what, do not leave my hand and stay put by my side. Understand?” Vanessa stated. Her face void of any emotion, which gave me away how serious she was.

“Understood!” I accepted.

I wrapped my hand around her arm, earning a nod from her. We walked, with me stay put to her side, to the warehouse.

As we neared the building, we saw two guards at the entrance, armed with guns. Vanessa stopped in front of them, with me hiding behind her. It may be feeling weird to hide behind a teenager, but the power and dominance her aura screams, you'll not think twice before getting in her protection.

“Who are you?” One of the guards, pointing the gun at Vanessa's head, asked threateningly.

Seeing a gun pointed at her head, had me gone pale. If it were someone else but her, they would be scared shitless.

“I wouldn't point that gun at my head if I were you. You see, I don't like getting disrespect by anyone.” Vanessa said, her voice calm but had a callous edge to it.

“Little girl! I will shoot you if you don't answer me.” The guard threatened.

I saw a mischief smirk making its way on Vanessa's face, while her eyes had this sinister look in them.

A Tale Of The Hearts: The Memory ForgottenWhere stories live. Discover now