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It was a slow day at Castle Bleck. Mario, after rescuing Peach, was now doing the Flipside Pit of 100 Trials, so the Bleck team had nothing to do. Everyone was gathered in the living room, having nothing to do. Mimi fidgeted in a chair until she finally let out a sigh.

"UUUUUGH... There's nothing to do..." Mimi whined.

Mimi continued to complain as the rest of the Bleck gang continued with their activities. Count Bleck was reading the Dark Prognosticus, Nastasia was folding some laundry in another room, O'Chunks was in the training room, and Mr.L and Dimentio were playing 1vs1 Uno.

"Why don't you go help Nastasia with chores, asked Count Bleck?" He said, barely looking up from his book.

"But that's no fun..." Mimi groaned.

Mr.L placed down another card and looked at her.

"Why don't you go explore or something? There's lots of stuff hidden in the closets around here." Mr.L said.

"Uno," Dimentio stated.

"Wait... How did you?!" Mr.L exclaimed in disbelief.

Mimi got up from her seat as Dimentio laughed at the dumbfounded Mr.L.

"That's better than sitting around here." She muttered.

Mimi walked out the door as Dimentio was shuffling the deck of cards.

"Just don't go near my stuff," Dimentio told her.

The green girl hardly heard his warning as she was already out of the room.


Mimi walked down the hallways, not really knowing where she was going to end up. O'Chunks was walking out of the kitchen. He had taken a break to get a glass of water, which he was now holding.

"Oi, 'ey lass!" O'Chunks exclaimed.

Mimi didn't stop in time and crashed into O'Chunks. His water spilled all over her.

Oh boy... O'Chunks thought to himself.

Mimi's face flushed red with anger.


O'Chunks knew what was coming next so he ran.


Back in the living room, everyone was glad that Mimi was occupying herself somewhere else. Count Bleck sighed as he set down the Dark Prognosticus.

"It's so nice and quiet around here, Count Bleck sighed. Almost makes Count Bleck want something to happen."

"I wouldn't say that if I were you, Count." Mr.L said while playing cards, "The last time I said that, I came face-to-face with the worst kind of chaos."

"And what was that?" Dimentio asked.

"You." Mr.L retorted.

"You flatter me too much, L," Dimentio replied, "Uno."


Their little conversation was interrupted by the sound of O'Chunks running through the halls.

"Count Bleck shall go check that out," Count Bleck said as the other two reshuffled the deck.

He got up and followed the noise. Apparently, Nastasia had the same idea.

"Where's O'Chunks?" Nastasia asked in a tired voice.

They turned down the hall and saw Mimi, in her true form, towering over O'Chunks.

The Super Crown Conundrum (Mr.LXDimentio[An SPM AU!])Where stories live. Discover now