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AN: Sorry about the long break, I was debating how the ending should go, but I know how it should end now. -w-


Dimentia stormed off down the hallways until she reached her room. She opened the door and went inside, slamming the door shut behind herself. With one quick motion, Dimentio snapped her fingers, causing several spell books to fly off of shelves and over to her, opening up and flipping through pages as Dimentia read.

"There has to be one wretched spell in my books that can reverse the effects of this STUPID crown!" Dimentia exclaimed.

Dimentia pulled the crown off of her head and examined it, scowling at it.

"If only it was a NORMAL Super Crown, then all I would've had to do would be take it off!" Dimentia spat, "But nooooooo... Mimi HAD to mess up all my plans!"

Dimentia stomped over to her desk with the crown and slammed it down. She looked up and frowned, seeing one of her mirrors reflecting her mask back.

"Was the Count in on this the entire time? Did they know of my plans? Are they just trying to psyche me out?! I can't READ the situation anymore!" Dimentia yelled.

She snapped her fingers and the Dark Prognosticus appeared in her hands. At this point, she didn't really care if she got caught reading it.

"There is NOTHING in the Dark Prognosticus about this! I can't foresee what will happen!" Dimentia exclaimed.

A knocking came at her door and she scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"Go away, I'm having an existential crisis!" Dimentia called out.

Dimentia harumphed as she shut the Dark Prognosticus twirling some hair in between her fingers.

"Maybe I should burn the crown..." Dimentio murmured.

More knocking came at the door.

"Dim! It's me! Open up, please!" Mr.L exclaimed.

"No thank you~! I prefer no one else acting weird around me~!" Dimentia chimed, "Now, go away unless you find the anti-curse I'm looking for."

After a long pause, Dimentia heard the sound of the door lock clicking and the door opening.

"Your lock is quite easy to pick." Mr.L chuckled.

Dimentia groaned as she ran a hand through her black hair.

"Fine... What do you want, Mr.L?" Dimentia spat.

"Currently, just to find out what's wrong. You've been acting a little weird." Mr.L pointed out.

Dimentia burst out laughing, causing Mr.L to arch an eyebrow at her.

"I have been acting weird?!" Dimentia questioned, "Ah ha ha! What about when you fainted upon seeing me twice? Or Mimi attempting to dress me up? The Count fainting? Or perhaps maybe Nastasia's attempt to 'comfort' me?!"

Dimentia chuckled a little more to herself as she went to her closet, pulling out a cloak and hat to replace the ones Mimi stole.

"Now tell me Mr.L, who were the ones acting weird in those situations~?" Dimentia asked.

Mr.L scoffed and shook his head.

"Like you're one to talk! I mean, what are you so afraid of?! We've been trying to help you adapt as best as we could and yet you keep flipping out!" Mr.L exclaimed.

Dimentia remained silent as she slipped her cloak and hat on. Mr.L let out a sigh before re-trying in a softer tone.

"Please... You've been freaking out more than needed. There's obviously something bothering you." Mr.L stated gently, "There's no use trying to hide your emotions behind that mask if I can just see right through it."

The Super Crown Conundrum (Mr.LXDimentio[An SPM AU!])Where stories live. Discover now