On With The Show

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Dimentia had returned back to Castle Bleck after she had killed the heroes. She didn't want to bother with pointless conversations, so she simply snapped her fingers and knew that wherever the heroes were at the moment would perish in a fire.

Dimentia couldn't help but frown as she stood atop her podium at Castle Bleck, a heavy feeling in her stomach. She knew that Mr.L would probably never forgive her, and she didn't blame him. The Dark Prognosticus was almost like an addiction, constantly telling people to obey. But, would a perfect world really solve every problem she just made?

"WHAT?! ...Spat Count Bleck in utter disbelief. Surely this news cannot be true!" Count Bleck exclaimed, "The heroes still live?"

Everyone was gathered in the Inner Sanctum and now looked at Dimentia, who chuckled a little to herself.

"Ah ha ha. Oh, I'm afraid so, my Count. In fact, they will be here before long. ♪ " Dimentia cheered.

"Whuh?! Izzat true, then?! What're we doin' twiddlin' our biscuits 'ere?! " O'Chunks questioned, "Count Bleck! Lemme go throw 'em a nice welcome party... I'll bring the punch!"

"Ooh, I wanna party with those party poopers, too!" Mimi exclaimed, "Wait up, O'Chunks! Mimimimimi!"

O'Chunks ran off and Mimi flipped after him. Dimentia hummed a little to herself.

"Well, I'm not one to miss a party..." Dimentia mused, "Oh, but wait one moment... Dear Count... Does the name Blumiere ring a bell?"

Dimentia smirked as she could see Count Bleck break into a sweat.

"Where did you hear that name, Dimentia?!" Count Bleck exclaimed.

Dimentia frowned at him calling her that, she already missed how Mr.L would still call her Dimentio regardless.

"Oh, the mustache man's Pixl went on and on... She said, 'I must stop Blumiere'." Dimentia stated, putting an edge to her voice, "But I suppose there's no reason to pay any mind to the ramblings of a Pixl..."

Dimentia chuckled a little to herself.

"Ciao for now, my Count~! ♪ " Dimentia laughed.

Dimentia teleported away and knew that she had planted the seed. Now the die was cast. If she didn't stray from the Prognosticus too much already, she still had a chance to win. And once she won, she could remake these pathetic worlds into something ideal. Somewhere she and Mr.L could actually be together.

Now was the time to get on with the show.

------------------One SPM Cutscene Fade-Out Later------------------

Mario and Luigi ran into one of the last corridors they needed to pass, having to leave Peach and Bowser behind.

"Enjoying my game of tag?"

Mario and Luigi both walked further into the room to see Dimentia standing there with an evil grin on her face. Both brothers ground to a halt along with Tippi, all three of them gawking.

"W-who are you?!" Luigi exclaimed.

Dimentia scoffed.

"Oh, come ON! You know who I am!" Dimentia spat.

Mario leaned towards Tippi.

"Do we know her?" Mario asked.

Tippi looked over Dimentia and gasped.

"That's Dimentio! But he's been turned into a she..?" Tippi questioned.

"Wouldn't that make her Dimentia?" Luigi asked no one in particular.

Dimentia growled at the Mario brothers.

"You all should not be messing around and poking fun at me! Magic is no laughing matter. I am always deadly serious." Dimentia spat.

She took a deep breath before putting a neutral expression onto her mask, repressing her anger.

"I have been watching you. You are the only ones who can stand up to Count Bleck." Dimentia stated.

They all remained silent as they acknowledged the fact.

"So... I have a favor to ask." Dimentia started, "Will you help me... destroy the count?"

"What are you talking about?! You want to betray him?!" Luigi questioned.

Dimentia laughed at his assumption.

"Betray him? Ah ha ha ha. Oh, no. It is Count Bleck who has betrayed ME!" Dimentia exclaimed, "He said he would destroy all worlds and create a new, perfect world in their place. But he was lying! He plans to obliterate every world, and then keep them all in ruin."

Tippi shook her head in disbelief while Mario and Luigi remained quiet. 

"I have always known about his nefarious goal, but I could never hope to stop him on my own. I feigned loyalty to him as I searched for someone who could defeat him with me!" Dimentia stated, "Well, you see... That is why... I rescued the princess from certain brainwashing. It's also why I sent you to The Underwhere to fix the broken Pure Heart."

Dimentia clenched a fist in rage as she fought for her voice not to crack.

"And why I freed a man to be reunited with his brother..." Dimentia muttered, "Now do you see?"

"You've..... Been helping us this entire time..?" Tippi questioned.

Dimentia turned to face them, a false smile forming on her mask.

"Ahhh, you've got me pegged. Now, how about you return the favor?" Dimentia asked, "I'll give you the power you need to crush Count Bleck... Just fight by my side!"

Luigi turned to Mario.

"Surely we can't trust her! I mean, I can't even tell if he's a she or she's been a he or I don't even know anymore!" Luigi rambled.

Dimentia scowled.

"You all try my patience... Fight by my side or perish!" Dimentia exclaimed.

Mario shook his head no.

"We refuse." Mario simply stated.

Dimentia chuckled a little to herself.

"It would've been so much simpler had you accepted, Mario... But now I must get my hands dirty, for shame." Dimentia chuckled, "Normally, this is the time I would engage in a fair battle, correct? Well, I've decided to keep adlibbing the script."

In one swift motion, Dimentia threw out her hand, and Luigi was thrown against the wall. The man in green curled into a ball and was out cold.

"LUIGI!" Mario exclaimed.

"As for you, Mario, I'll see you at the show~!" Dimentia laughed.

She snapped her fingers and Mario and Tippi were instantly teleported outside the room. Mario ran back to try and pry open the door only to find that it was locked like all the others.

"Mario... The Inner Sanctum is just ahead. We have no way of getting to Luigi." Tippi stated.

Mario choked on a sob as he leaned against the door for a moment. He turned towards Tippi and nodded. The two of them quickly started down the last few hallways, towards the Inner Sanctum to confront Count Bleck.

The Super Crown Conundrum (Mr.LXDimentio[An SPM AU!])Where stories live. Discover now