Broken Family

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Everyone remained frozen in place as Dimentia stood glaring at them while gently cradling the little girl. The baby had an almost white skin tone, her hair a pure white color, but she looked frail all the same.

"I-I... A-a daughter..." Mr.L repeated, not believing himself, "H-how..."

"That night at Castle Bleck, L," Dimentia stated.

Blumiere and Timpani stood gawking while Mr.L looked down at his daughter.

"Sh-she's so beautiful..." Mr.L murmured.

"Yes, you left me with our daughter. She was born here, no one else but me to care for her." Dimentia stated, "Since she was born, she isn't dead like I am, she is technically still alive so she actually needs food and water! I've been giving her my daily prison food rations but it clearly isn't enough! And to top THAT all off, she inherited my albinism!"

"W-what's albinism..?" Mr.L warily asked.

Timpani gasped and clamped her hands over her mouth.

"A condition that makes it so your skin, hair, and eyes have little to no color, it makes you physically weaker... She must be so frail!" Timpani cried.

Dimentia nodded as tears began to well up.

"At this rate, I don't even know if she'll make it to her first birthday. She's the only spark of hope I've had in my game and I'm sad knowing she might not make it..." Dimentia choked out.

Dimentia looked up at Mr.L with a teary-eyed expression.

"She needed a mother AND a father, L. I needed you with me! But you just weren't there!" Dimentia sobbed, "I don't want the stupid Super Crown, I want to be here for her..."

Blumiere shook his head.

"Dimentia, I'm so sorry that it took us so long to come up with an anti-curse and not even need it..." Blumiere sighed.

Dimentia harumphed and turned away from him.

"I don't want to hear your excuses, Count Bleck." Dimentia spat.

Just then, the baby in Dimentia's arms started to make a pouty face and then began to cry. Dimentia gently shushed her as she rocked her ever so slightly. Mr.L walked up to the bars of the cell.

"Dim... I am so sorry... I swear that if I knew..." Mr.L murmured.

Mr.L reached out to take Dimentia's hand but she quickly jerked away from him, holding the crying child close.

"I wish that I could accept your apology... But I need some time to think..." Dimentia replied, "Alone."

Mr.L stood for a moment as he watched Dimentia rock their daughter gently from side to side, trying to calm her down.

"Alright..." Mr.L sighed.

Mr.L turned and started back down the hallway. Blumiere and Timpani shared a worried look before following Mr.L out of the prison. Dimentia looked down at her daughter with a small sigh.

"You are the only good thing that I have brought to these worlds..." Dimentia murmured.


Mr.L trudged out into the swampy landscape next to the River of Twygz, his heart heavy as he stared down at his feet. Blumiere and Timpani quickly caught up with him.

"Are you just going to leave?!" Blumiere exclaimed, "You've worked so hard!"

"You have a DAUGHTER now, Mr.L! You didn't even ask for her name! They both need you!" Timpani added.

The Super Crown Conundrum (Mr.LXDimentio[An SPM AU!])Where stories live. Discover now