Dress Up

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Mimi continued to drag along Dimentia down the hallways by the wrist back towards her room.

"Mimi... This stunt you are performing is mildly concerning..." Dimentia muttered.

"Oh, lighten up! We're gonna have some fun!" Mimi exclaimed.

Dimentia grumbled something under her breath as Mimi skipped down the hall. They ground to a halt in front of Mimi's room. The little green girl swung her door open and trotted inside, Dimentia in tow.

"I'm gonna make you look SO PRETTY!" Mimi squealed.

"Excuse me?!" Dimentia exclaimed.

Mimi ran to her far closet door and opened it, revealing a large walk-in closet filled to the brim with dresses and accessories. Dimentia froze in place.

"Now I finally have someone to play dress-up with! I've seen all your clown outfits! You'll look SO GOOD in some of these!" Mimi cheered.

Dimentia bolted for the door but Mimi was one step ahead of her. Mimi slammed the door shut and then locked it, pocketing the key.

"No way out of it now!" Mimi laughed, "Now... What colors would best match your eyes~?"


Mr.L kept mumbling things to himself as he shuffled down the hallways. After some time, he made it back to the living area. The room was still mostly in shambles. The table was still upturned, cards were scattered on the floor, and the chairs were more or less all broken.

Someone must have propped the couch back up though because O'Chunks and Nastasia were sitting on it. O'Chunks looked extremely on edge while Nastasia was reading over what must have been his 'essay' he needed to write. And Grambi knows where Count Bleck went off to.

"Yeah, um, O'Chunks? This is only one page..." Nastasia said, "All of the words are misspelled and written in... Scottish?"

O'Chunks mumbled something inaudible as Nastasia sighed.

"Yeah, I'm gonna need you to write me a real essay in proper English, 'K?" Nastasia said, ripping up the paper.

O'Chunks whimpered to himself as he trudged out of the living room.

"Y'know what, I might let the essay slid if you just clean up this mess, sound good?" Nastasia said, gesturing at the room.

O'Chunks perked up immediately.

"Anytin' besides writtin'!" O'Chunks laughed.

He instantly got to work picking up the shambles of chairs. Mr.L tiptoed around the debris and sat down on the couch. He buried his face in his hands and sighed. Nastasia looked over at him.

"Mr.L, what's the problem?" Nastasia asked.

"Ugh... I just feel a bit conflicted right now." Mr.L replied.

"Yeah, I get it," Nastasia stated.

Mr.L looked at her with an arched eyebrow.

"Really?" Mr.L questioned.

"Yeah, you don't know how to handle Dimentio all of a sudden completely changing appearance," Nastasia said.

"Uh, right, sure." Mr.L replied.

"Hopefully either Dimentia or the Count can find an anti-curse," Nastasia replied.

They both sat in silence for a moment as O'Chunks scrambled to clean the living area.

"Do you know what the heck Mimi is going to do to Dim?" Mr.L asked, breaking the silence.

Nastasia shrugged as she pulled out a book.

The Super Crown Conundrum (Mr.LXDimentio[An SPM AU!])Where stories live. Discover now