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Dimentio's cape-like poncho had transformed into a frilly dress with the same colors it had previously, but with black hearts on it. Her hat bells had turned into heart shapes as well. Hair now draped from her hat to below her waist. The Super Crown was on her jester hat.

Dimentio clutched her fists in rage.

"Mimi, you idiot, I'm going to END YOUR GAME!!!" Dimentio shouted.

Mimi squeaked and hid behind Count Bleck. Mr.L rushed over to Dimentio.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, calm down!" Mr.L told her.

"Calm down? CALM DOWN?! I've been turned into a GIRL!" Dimentio shouted.

"Can't you just take the Crown off and turn back to normal?" Nastasia asked.

"Even if I did take off the Crown, it wouldn't work." Dimentio explained, "This particular Super Crown's effects won't wear off unless an anti-curse is made."

Mimi came out from behind Bleck.

"Well... look on the bright side Dimentio. Wait, hold on. Dimentio is a BOY'S name! You need a girl name!" Mimi said, "Like... Dimentia!"

Dimentia glared at her.

"Is that really necessary?" Dimentia asked.

"Yes," Mimi stated.

Dimentia put her masked face in her hands and began to cry. The rest of them looked at each other, unsure of what to do. 

"Why am I crying?! These tears fall down my face like faucets that refuse to turn off!" Dimentia exclaimed in between sobs.

"Yeah, that's what you call hormones and just straight-up mood swings," Nastasia replied.

Dimentia continued to cry. Mr.L went over and awkwardly patted her on the back, unsure of how to comfort her.

"H-hey, I'm sure we can figure something out." Mr.L reassured, "You said that all we need is an anti-curse. So we'll just do that!"

Dimentia looked up at Mr.L.

"Do you mean it?" Dimentia asked.

"Of course!" Mr.L replied.

Dimentia hugged Mr.L and his face turned red.

"Thank you," Dimentia whispered.

She let go and faced the others.

"I'm going to find a change of clothes in my room. I don't want this to affect how anyone acts around me. Got it? As far as you are all concerned, I am still Dimentio. " Dimentia stated.

Everyone more or less nodded. Dimentia floated off towards her room. Mr.L remained glued in place, his face red.

"Mr.L? Are you alright, asked Count Bleck?" He asked.

"I-I don't know... I-I think I just need to lie down..." Mr.L muttered.

Mr.L fell face-first onto the floor.


A few moments later, Dimentia returned to the living room wearing her previous outfit, the non-dress. She saw Mr.L lying on the floor with the others around him. 

"What happened to L?" Dimentia asked.

Everyone looked up and they went wide-eyed as soon as they saw her outfit. On account of her poncho not completely going around, she improvised and had tied a ribbon around her waist, showing off her slim figure. Mr.L groaned as he slowly sat upright.

"Ughhhh..." Mr.L groaned, "Okay... I think I'm-"

He opened his eyes and paused, seeing Dimentia in front of him. Mr.L immediately blacked out again. Dimentia winced.

The Super Crown Conundrum (Mr.LXDimentio[An SPM AU!])Where stories live. Discover now