The Ultimate Show; Remixed

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Count Bleck laid slumped on the floor, weakened from the Chaos Heart absorbing what energy he had left. Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Peach, and Tippi all stood around him, their expressions turning sad.

"E-Excellent..." Count Bleck coughed out.

Nastasia flipped in from out of nowhere and ran up to the Count's side. Mario and Tippi remained silent as Count Bleck seemed on the verge of death.

"Um... Count?" Nastasia asked.

Count Bleck coughed again and then looked up at Mario and Tippi.

"You have won... Now finish Count Bleck... Dispatch me and the Chaos Heart will disappear. The prophecy will be undone..." Count Bleck murmured.

Tippi fluttered over to Count Bleck.

"Why does it have to end like this..." Tippi asked.

Count Bleck shook his head as he averted his eyes from Tippi.

"Timpani... When you vanished, I searched long for you. I never gave up looking... I searched and searched..." Count Bleck said, stifling a sob, "But I never found you. Without you, the world held no meaning or joy... So I used the forbidden prophecy of the Tribe of Ancients to end all worlds... I wanted to destroy everything that had taken you away from me..."

Everything seemed to go silent for a moment, the worlds going still. Tippi flew closer to Count Bleck.

"But I am here now... No one can keep us apart anymore... Don't you see?" Tippi murmured softly.

Count Bleck shook his head with a cough, some blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

"It is too late. Count Bleck has done so much evil... It must end. Just knowing that you are still alive... And knowing that the world you still live in will continue... It gives me peace." Count Bleck said with a small smile, "I do not have long to live. You must end my game before The Void destroys all..."

"But... We're finally together again..." Tippi sobbed.

Out of nowhere, a faint sound rang out that caught Nastasia's attention. She quickly rushed up, trying to push Count Bleck away.

"Count, look out!" Nastasia exclaimed.

A volt of magic came from seemingly nowhere and Nastasia was knocked unconscious and sprawled out across the floor.

"Na-Nastasia!" Count Bleck called out.

"Silly assistant! Absorbing my attack to protect him? What an adorably hopeless gesture."

Dimentia floated in from out of nowhere, drawing all attention to her.

"I was about to give him the everlasting peace he so DESPERATELY wants!"

Everyone stood aghast in shock. Bowser and Peach stood dumbfounded. 

"Dimentia?! You're... alive?" Tippi exclaimed.

"Dimentia?! Did that clown turn into a girl?!" Bowser questioned.

"He's a girl now?!" Peach asked.

Dimentia let out a scream of frustration.

"I AM NOT A GIRL!!! I am the master of dimensions and pleaser of crowds, Dimentio! This is my moment to grasp! If the Count dies, the Chaos Heart won't disappear if I continue to control it!" Dimentia hysterically exclaimed, "But I needed the power of the Pure Hearts to beat him. I couldn't do that on my own. So I had you do all the sweaty labor for me. And you even used your Pure Hearts to defeat Count Bleck! If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one."

The Super Crown Conundrum (Mr.LXDimentio[An SPM AU!])Where stories live. Discover now