Too Little, Too Late

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-----------------About A Year Later-----------------


A phone rang in a room off to the side. Mr.L now lived at Flopside, taking up a semi-permanent home in a shack out towards the outskirts, though it was more of a garage, honestly. Mr.L scrambled into the side room and quickly picked up the phone, knowing exactly who had to be calling.

"Blumiere, tell me you found it?!" Mr.L exclaimed.

"I have. Come over to Flipside at your earliest convenience. This may be it!" Blumiere told him.

"Perfect! This better be it, I can't stand it anymore!" Mr.L stated, "I'll be there in fifteen minutes, L-ater!"

Mr.L hung up the phone and quickly sprinted for the door, grabbing his cap and rushing out. It had been almost an entire year since the Ultimate Show, and Mr.L refused to go back on his promise. It took long enough for everyone's names to be cleared more than anything else!

The first three months were a combination of trials in court, community service, and actually finding places to stay, while the six months after that was a long search for Blumiere and Timpani. Everything seemed to be solved in the end, they were now all off the hook and Blumiere and Timpani were with them, but Mr.L still had one more thing to take care of.

He was determined not to go back on his word to Dimentio, no matter the cost. Mr.L had gone to Blumiere and asked him to find an anti-curse for the Super Crown, which he had been anxious to be seen finished. Meanwhile, Mr.L also had to prove to Merlon and the townsfolk alike that if he did bring Dimentio back, he wouldn't be a threat anymore. Mr.L had practically sworn sixty times over to every single person that if Dimentio causes any trouble, he will throw himself off of Flipside and Flopside Tower.

Well, hopefully, he wouldn't have to do that. Meanwhile, Mr.L ran through the Flipside/Flopside In-between towards Merlon's house. Blumiere had been visiting Merlon's house almost every day with Timpani to use the Light Prognosticus. Merlon had been gracious enough to let them use it, mainly as a favor to Timpani. Mr.L skid to a stop in front of the door to Merlon's house and knocked vigorously.

"BLUMIERE, OPEN UP, IT'S MR.L!!!" Mr.L yelled.

Mr.L knocked for a few more seconds until the door opened, revealing Timpani standing there with a smile.

"Oh, sorry Timpani. Is Blumiere here? He said for me to meet him here." Mr.L stated.

Timpani nodded.

"Yup! We think we did it!" Timpani cheered, "Come on! Follow me inside!"

Timpani turned to head inside and Mr.L followed close behind. Mr.L looked ahead and could see Blumiere slumped over on the Light Prognosticus's pedestal, lightly snoring.

"Blumiere, we have a visitor!" Timpani chuckled.

Blumiere quickly shot upright and put his hat on straight.

"What!? Sorry, I dozed." Blumiere quickly apologized.

"Did you stay up all night AGAIN?" Mr.L questioned.

"Blumiere, I told you that you need sleep..." Timpani sighed.

Blumiere waved them off as he walked over to a desk.

"I don't need sleep right now, I've been working on this for half a year! It needed to be completed!" Blumiere exclaimed.

"Blumiere..." Timpani said in a warning tone.

The Super Crown Conundrum (Mr.LXDimentio[An SPM AU!])Where stories live. Discover now