Little Star

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Mr.L walked past the River of Twygz, a smile on his face. Dimentia had forgiven him so now he just needed to see Jaydes. Once Dimentia is pardoned, they can both go back to Flipside together. Mr.L practically daydreamed of the thought as he made his way to Jaydes's palace.

They would have a perfect wedding. Dimentia would say I do. They would be together. Their daughter Celeste would be with them. They would never be separated again. So many wondrous things that could happen.

Mr.L walked until he reached the stone steps to the palace, shaking his head to wake himself from daydreaming. He quickly flew up the steps and ran to the throne room. Standing in front of Jaydes were Blumiere and Timpani, and it looked as if they had just begun conversing. Timpani turned and waved over to Mr.L.

"Mr.L! We were just about to ask, get over here!" Timpani cheered.

Mr.L chuckled as he ran up to them, stopping in front of Jaydes. She looked down at all of them not necessarily with a mean expression, but just a bored one.

"Mr.L? I thought that you had died." Jaydes pointed out.

"Well... I was. But now I'm not, sooooo..." Mr.L trailed off, unsure how to explain.

"Mm, I heard that you are looking to barter someone out of The Underwhere." Jaydes started, "I hope that you have a very good reasoning, I'm not just allowed to let people return to life willy nilly, very few are exceptions."

"Yes, we are here to ask you to let Dimentia go free." Mr.L stated.

Jaydes's expression shifted to one that showed the topic to be intriguing.

"Dimentia? The jester that was cursed with a defective Super Crown, of all things?" Jaydes asked, "What is your reasoning for this? He, or she, was responsible for trying to destroy all worlds, after all."

"Yes, I'm aware of what she did, but I also know why the end of worlds never came. I was able to talk her out of it. She came to her senses and realized her mistake, but she had to end her own game to prevent the end of worlds." Mr.L explained, "I have loads of proof that she would never try anything again. In fact, I swear that if she does anything, I will throw myself-"

"Off of Flipside and Flopside Tower. I've heard it, and I am impressed. I thought for certain that you would be bitter at the person who had ended your game." Jaydes stated.

Mr.L shrugged.

"I was, at first, but then I realized that she was in more pain than me." Mr.L replied, "And besides, she's going to be my future bride. And I have a daughter waiting for me, too."

Jaydes blinked a little, trying to process what he said.

"Did you say something about a daughter? As in a small female child?" Jaydes asked.

"Uh... Yes?" Mr.L replied.

Jaydes did a quick facepalm and shook her head.

"Drat! I remembered something about Dimentia! Some Nimbis came earlier to take that child to The Overthere! Because if the baby was kept here it would've died!" Jaydes exclaimed.

"WHAT?!" Mr.L, Blumiere, and Timpani yelled.


"I mean that by the fact some sinners are here for adultery. Those people often end up coming with small children and the children are taken to The Overthere until they're old enough to take care of themselves." Jaydes explained.

Mr.L shook his head as he started backing out of the palace.

"This is bad... I need to get to Dimentia, maybe they haven't taken Celeste yet." Mr.L said.

The Super Crown Conundrum (Mr.LXDimentio[An SPM AU!])Where stories live. Discover now