Readjusting Still

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Dimentia growled to herself as she stomped off down the hall. Mr.L and Mimi tried to revive Count Bleck but to no avail. He was out cold. After several moments of waiting, Nastasia walked by.

"Whoa, what happened to the Count?" Nastasia asked.

"I just put Dimmy in a dress! Yeesh!" Mimi replied.

"Dimentia did this to him?!" Nastasia exclaimed.

"No! He just... Passed out after seeing the outfit Mimi put her in." Mr.L explained.

"I thought it looked good!" Mimi retorted.

Nastasia sighed.

"I'll check it out. Just try to get the Count up, 'K?" Nastasia said.

"Hey! I'm Dim's best friend! I should check up on her!" Mr.L exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, Mr.L, but until you act how you did before around her, she's probably not gonna want to see you," Nastasia stated.

Mr.L grunted in response as Nastasia walked off in the direction Dimentia went.


Dimentia was in the mirror hall looking over the outfit Mimi had shoved on her, mumbling to herself.

"Stupid dress! Now the COUNT is being weird!" Dimentia spat, "First, Mr.L passed out for some reason, THEN Mimi tries to put MAKE-UP on me, AND FINALLY the Count passes out after seeing me in this dress! What's their problem?!"

Dimentia sighed as she looked into a mirror.

"I'm just... Dimentio." She murmured.

Nastasia continued down the corridors until she reached the mirror hall. She peered inside and saw Dimentia leaning against a mirror, forehead pressed against it.

"Hey, Dimentia? Do you you know what was with the Count blacking out?" Nastasia asked

Dimentia tossed up her hands in defeat.

"I don't know anymore! I think it's because of this stupid outfit Mimi trapped me in." Dimentia spat.

Dimentia turned around and Nastasia got a good look at her. Nastasia winced and cringed a little.

"Yeah... I see why he passed out now." Nastasia muttered.

Dimentia scoffed.

"You don't tell me why like it's some big confidential secret!" Dimentia spat, "It's just a stupid dress!"

"A stupid dress that his fiancée once wore, yeah." Nastasia retorted.

Dimentia froze and looked down at her outfit.

"Dear Grambi, I must have given him quite the hit of PTSD..." Dimentia muttered.

Nastasia nodded.

"Yeah," Nastasia replied.

"Oh, Grambi, I do NOT want to wear this! What if his mind conflates me with the fact his lost lover wore this dress?!" Dimentia exclaimed, starting to panic.

"I don't think..." Nastasia trailed off.

"WHAT IF HE STARTS THINKING I'M HER?! Quick! Burn these!" Dimentia exclaimed.

Dimentia quickly pulled off the dress and bow, revealing her black tank top and leggings underneath.

"I think burning may be an overreaction," Nastasia stated.

Dimentia grabbed Nastasia by the collar.


The Super Crown Conundrum (Mr.LXDimentio[An SPM AU!])Where stories live. Discover now