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10 years later

"Where is Uncle Bokuto!? I'm going to be late for school!" I screamed. My dad came out of the kitchen. An apron around his waist with two plates filled with food. He stared at me.

"Is he not ready? Here. Eat up, I'm taking you to school today then." I grabbed the plate from his hand. He pointed at his apron. There were a bunch of forks there.

I took one and put it on my plate, walking over to the dining table. "Pero tu nunca me llevas? What about uncle Osamu or something?" I took a forkful of aros con frijoles. "Te quedo bueno. You woke up in a good mood. Normally uncle Sakusa cooks." I mumbled with food in my mouth. He pulled off the string of his apron.

Translation: "But you never take me?" "It's good."

"Your graduating today, mija. I have to be there. They are all getting ready. But we'll be there for your graduation. Then we could go to a restaurant." I smiled at the thought of all of them together. Today was my last day of high school. And I was finally going to go to college.

"You never came to my last graduations. Did you take a day off?" He walked back into the kitchen to get the other plates for everyone else.

"I'm sorry, mija. I wasn't able to go to your past, graduations. But this is your big one. I have to come to this one no matter what." He was always busy on my graduations, but one of my uncles always made it up for him. Each one of them were like my father's. I was adopted, after all.

"Is tio Kenma going to go? Why are you serving more food?" I looked over at the picture frame of my mother on the coffee table. What a beauty she was.

"We're going to leave right now. Hurry. These plates are just for when they're ready and they need to eat. But we're leaving right now I have to drop you off then I'm coming right back to change." He finished setting the other four plates on the table.

"And tio Oikawa? Is he also going to be there?" I rubbed the necklace around my neck. The small red rubies on it. I never took it off.

He took out the chair beside me and sat down. He reached for my necklace.

Every time he looked at it, I noticed his eyes watered. This time it wasn't any different. "I invited him. He should come. He doesn't have anything better to do with his life, you know him. But hurry and eat. We gotta go!" He checked his watch.

He got up from his chair and walked over to the hallway, banging on everyone's door.

Uncle Bokuto's burst open. He looked desperately around. "Dios mio. No me levante. Ah no! Princessa, lo siento! Ahorita me alisto." He groaned. I laughed at him. His hair was a complete mess and his face looked all swollen from waking up.

Translation: "Oh my god. I didn't wake up. Oh no! Princess, I'm sorry! I'll get ready right now."

"Don't worry about it. I'm taking her to school. And I'm going to her graduation." Dad gave me a reassuring smile.

"You know that's not possible Iwaizumi." Bokuto tried to whisper but wasn't very good at it. I got up from my chair. My dad's eyes went from me to him.

"Bokuto not here. I'm going to my daughter's graduation. And that's final." He said firmly. Both I and my uncle froze in place. I had never seen my dad talk to him like that. Ever.

Bokuto turned to me with a smile. "Do you want me to do your hair? We still have time. You look beautiful by the way." He came out of his room to hug me.

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