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I flinched at the sound of the table being slammed.


Everyone was standing across a corner, not wanting to get in his way. I stood tall, not being intimidated by him. He wanted dominance over me. He wanted to control me. He ought to be surprised when he finds out I won't let him.

I stood by the door. "What did you want me to do!? She obviously doesn't care about you anymore. She's an adult, she wants to go down the wrong steps, let her learn from her mistakes!" I yelled. I had no idea why he was taking everything out on me. He shouldn't. I did nothing wrong but help him.

"I WANTED YOU TO BRING HER BACK!" I walked over to him. Nice and slow. Each step, created a circle around me, a circle of death. I realized as everyone started to back away more. Not wanting to get caught up.

I stood up to him.

I outstretched my arm. I swung it across his face.

The back of my hand stung but I didn't care. Never once was I going to let a man yell at me again. He doesn't realize how lucky he is to even have me on his side. I could kill everyone in here with no mercy. I already have the souls of the men and women I've killed. What's another nine?

"You're lucky I even helped you." I spit on him. He's absolutely delusional if he thinks he's going to boss me around like this. He really has become an obstacle in my path. But he was nothing but a small pebble. I could dispose of him whenever I like, I just haven't.

"Let's calm down. What exactly happened?" Kuroo took his first step towards us. A dangerous mistake.

His hands were out as if he were getting arrested. He was looking for peace, a peace that was never going to happen with us. It was over for us, we couldn't love each other.

"Sakusa, you were there! What happened!?" I turned over to him. He had gotten here before me, but I knew he was there. No matter what he says is going to change my mind.

He said nothing.

"When Jacob opened the door, I attacked him. I told Heidi to get in the car, and she said she was in love. I tried to convince her, and tell her what Jacob was really out there for, but you know what she did? She told me I was lying. That's your daughter right there Iwaizumi." I looked down at him with such disgust, anyone would think we hate each other.

"A daughter you told me to get!" He spat back.

I laughed loudly. The room echoed with my laughs.

"If I hadn't put that in my will Iwaizumi, you would be locked in that room dead drunk. Or am I wrong?" I couldn't believe he was saying this. If only Heidi could hear him.

"And where would you be? I hope you would be in that coffin with your name." I laughed in disbelief. Was he really saying this?

"Would you like me to walk through that door and never come back!? I'll gladly do it. I could even kill you on the way!" I went in for another slap, this time he caught my arm before I made contact with his face.

I pulled back.

"I would love to see you try." We stared knives at each other. Not one of us backing down.

"Fucking whore." I mumbled.

"That's enough! I'm tired of you two! We need to get Heidi back now!" Bokuto yelled. Akaashi had his hand on his chest, trying his best to calm Bokuto down. He seemed as if he was on the verge of attacking both of us.

"Who do you think your yelling at?" Iwaizumi started to walk towards him. Something in me exploded.

I pulled his hair back, pulling him all the way down to my shoulder, the knife I used on Jacob was on his throat.

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