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September 22

"Jacob don't lie to me. Is Heidi with you or not." Iwaizumi yelled.

There was nothing I could do. I had no other choice but to keep quiet.

"Iwaizumi I wouldn't have come all this way if I didn't know what was wrong with Heidi." Jacob sighed.

Personally, I didn't believe a word he said, neither did Iwaizumi. But there was a part of me that wanted to believe him.

"You know where she is. Where is she!?" He slammed his fist on the table.

We all flinched.

"For the last time. I. Don't. Know." Jacob seethed.

"I haven't had any type of communication with her for a month. I have no idea if she's been okay. Because of you." He didn't have to say that last part.

"Because if you did you would've taken her again like the last time." Iwaizumi and he seemed on the verge of killing each other.

Even if Iwaizumi had more experience, Jacob was younger and stronger, I had trained him myself. Against me, Iwaizumi didn't stand a chance. And in front of him was a younger and much stronger me. I couldn't help but worry.

"Iwaizumi calm down. Jacob, don't lie to me. Do you know where Heidi is?" I myself tried to stay calm.

My original plan was going to hell. I couldn't marry Heidi and Jacob. I couldn't kill Jacob. I still owe my part to Kita.

Hold on.

"Have you talked to Kita recently?" I asked Iwaizumi.

He nodded.

"Yesterday he called me. Nothing out of the usual why?" What if Kita had found out we couldn't put our part? Would that still be enough reason to take his daughter? I doubt it, if Kita is as smart as Iwaizumi says, he would've never done it.

"Just asking. Does Terushima know your here?" I turned back to Jacob. He nodded.

"Bokuto. Why don't you walk out of the room?" I said. I hated treating him like he was some kid, but I just don't want to see or hear him cry anymore.

"No. If you guys have something to say you could say it with me here. Everyone else is here." Akaashi and I gave each other the same looks. Bokuto has been through enough, he may seem irrelevant to other people. But he's someone so important to us, that if we lose him, we lose everyone here.

"Y/n. We have no idea where Heidi is at. I can't do anything to help. It's been a week. Has Suga told you anything?" Kenma stood up. His phone in his hand. He had more connections to people than all of us combined.

"He said he's found no traces of her. That she simply disappeared. It's been a week that I have been pressuring him, but there's nothing he could do other than keep looking. And that's what we're going to do also." I knew Iwaizumi was dying inside. His daughter is gone. And there is nothing he could do.

"Jacob, I swear if your lyi-" My heart shattered.

"She's actually gone." He whispered. His hands in fists on the table. His tears fell from his eyes as he faced down to the floor.

"She's not gone, Jacob." Iwaizumi sighed.

After what Heidi had told him on getting to know Jacob, Iwaizumi has been taking him in pretty well. Did he really love her? Was he doing this for her? I had no idea what goes through that kid's mind.

"It's been a week Iwaizumi. A week. We've had no communication with her. The cops can't find her. And neither could we."  There was something strange in the room.

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