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"Heidi and Jacob. Are there more rooms?" I asked Iwaizumi. I never actually tried to ask or tried to check if there were extra rooms.

"There's only eight rooms." Iwaizumi seemed mad. Why?

"Extra!?" If it was extra then that house is bigger than I thought.

"No, y/n. Your room doesn't count. There's only one extra room. For three of you." That's not a problem. I could just sleep with him. He after all trashed my room to the point that it isn't livable. That's when I realized the problem.

"Oh, I see. Can't he sleep with one of the guys? I doubt they would do anything to him. In Bokuto and Akaashi's room? Don't they bunk together?" Iwaizumi sighed. Was he tired?

"He'll have Oikawa's room." He finally said. Oikawa's room. Why did he leave Oikawa? He knew it was me. He could've kept Catalina with them. And we would've taken her during the ball.

"We won't. We're not getting her back. If I take her on Saturday, Terushima would think it's y/n. And everything will go downhill. The only thing we could do is let them escape by themselves. Oikawa could probably do it. Once we get home, I need to talk to you." I knew what this were about.

They were about the pictures. Never once had I wanted to strangle Terushima more than I did then. The one in the pictures was me. I had kissed Oikawa. But he didn't know that. He thought it was Catalina. And it was better to keep it that way. He's someone I can't lose.

"Sir? Can I ask you for a favor?" We both looked back at Jacob. Heidi was sitting beside me. Only Jacob was sitting alone in the back.

"Depends on what it is?" Iwaizumi despite his menacing looks had a kind heart. Jacob was just that kid in need of help. And Iwaizumi saw that from the beginning.

"In private. Just us three." He kept glancing at Heidi. She was staring out of the window. She didn't react to what he just said. She was a good girl. She helped people in need of fixing. Or at least that's what I have seen.

"Okay. Kuroo, when are they going to come to fix the house? Were they already there when we left?" How did he not know if they were there before he left? Terushima and his place weren't that far away. About half an hour drive.

"They had. They were fixing your office when we had left. You probably hadn't noticed, but the stairs were getting fixed. Or at least one of them. I think the right staircase was fixed. There were a lot of people walking around. How did you not notice?" Just like Iwaizumi to be stuck in his own little world.

Sakusa wasn't talking. I noticed that when we were talking to Terushima. Did something happen?

I leaned into Iwaizumi. "What happened to Sakusa?" I whispered in his ear. He flinched at the sound of my voice, but I decided not to bully him for it. On a normal basis, I would.

"I'll tell you when we get there. Then we're going to have a meeting." I chuckled. A meeting? The last time we had a meeting was when he revealed who I was to the whole world. I hated that day.

"Would someone please explain what is going on? I'm tired, I want to know why." We stared at Heidi. Her arm was leaning against the car window while she gazed outside.

"One day we'll explain everything. Todo a su tiempo mija." I stared at Iwaizumi. Why not now? Why not tell her everything that happened? She was old enough to understand. She was just as smart, too. She's going to find out soon.

Translation: "All in good time."

There was something weird about Heidi. She wasn't a regular girl. She's more dangerous than one thinks. Way dangerous. With the right training, she could become stronger than me.

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