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I was in front of my old room. Bokuto and Akaashi had left downstairs. They were all just waiting for me now.

I twisted open the door. I stood in shock as I saw my old room.

Everything was broken. My clothes were ripped apart. My shoes were split in half. My once beautiful bedframe was now broken into pieces. My mattress and pillows were dug into, the feathers were scattered all over the room. The vanity was broken; the glass filled the floor.

I took tiny steps as I saw the horror of everything ripped and broken apart.

The spacious room was now covered in trash and clothes. Bottles I never had in here were laying on the ground. I started to count how many bottles there actually were.

Something shone brightly into my eye.

I looked down at the floor.

My necklace.

I picked it up. Right underneath it was a picture of us. When had we taken this?

It was all of us. Tsukishima, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Sakusa, Osamu, Astumu, Suna, Kuroo, Kenma, Akaashi, Bokuto, and me in the middle of all of them. A huge smile on our faces. When had we taken this? This was the first picture I have seen of us all together.

Bokuto was crying with me in his arms, while Oikawa and Iwaizumi were on each of his sides. I looked around. There was a bottle next to where I found the necklace. It wasn't empty.

Had Iwaizumi done all of this? This was too much for one person to do.

I checked inside my wardrobe and my closet. The dust was unbreathable. Had they really not cleaned this place for twenty years? None of my clothes were there. They were all on the floor, ripped.

I sighed, I have to stay in these stupid clothes. I stuffed the picture and necklace in my pocket.

How things would've been different. If I wouldn't have accepted his ring, if I didn't choose revenge, nothing would be like this. We would have a happy life. All of us.

I walked out of the room, closing it behind me.

We could do this tomorrow morning. I should call Terushima. Tell him where I'm going so he doesn't suspect anything. Did I bring my phone?

I searched in the opposite pocket. I took out my phone.

I clicked on his contact. He better be awake because I'm not calling back.

"Where are you! You just got mentioned on the fucking news and you go out doing whatever the fuck you want!" I wanted to hang up. He just answered and already started screaming.

"I'm going to Kita's. I probably won't be back till the afternoon. It's pretty late." I rolled my eyes, I hated the fact I had to tell him where I am.

"Y/n?" Oh fuck. No. No. No.

I turned around. I brought up a finger to my nose. My eyes in pure panic.

"Who's that?" Terushima asked. I wanted to strangle him.

"Just someone that mistaken me for someone else." I chuckled nervously. Iwaizumi understood. He stood quietly.

"Hurry back. Don't start trouble with Kita, he's important to me. I swear if you do, your dead." He hanged up. "Fuck you!" I screamed at the phone. I hated when he acted like he could kill me if only he knew how many chances I already had to kill him and didn't do it.

"What happened? And did you do that to my room!? I would've thought you would've taken care of it instead of raiding it. Now I'm stuck in these fucking clothes." He looked at me weirdly.

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