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We had arrived at his house again.

"How much money are you planning to waste?" Money runs away quickly at casinos. The only reason Kita was doing this was because it was his own casino. He would benefit out of everyone.

"We're rich y/n. Doesn't matter how much we waste. Come on." He pulled me in. A hand on my waist. He really hadn't changed. He finds no value in money.

"Get ready everyone. We're about to the best night of our lives." I rolled my eyes.

"I wouldn't call it our best night. We've had our moments. Who knows, maybe I'll get myself kidnapped today." I joked. it was obviously a joke but everyone glared at me. It was a funny joke! How did they not find it funny?

"If you get kidnapped I'll kill you when I find you. Take it as a threat." He whispered into my ear. I smiled.

"Kita is taking our money. You guys know that right?" I walked alongside Iwaizumi. Everyone else behind us.

"Nothing different from actual casinos. It's just to pass the time and have fun." Kuroo seemed more than happy to be here. He never went out. For twenty years he had no form of entertainment. I don't want to ruin the fun of the guys I took for my own sake.

"I have a few tricks up my sleeve when it comes to casinos. I used to stay in them day and night." Iwaizumi had a lot of addictions I would put a gambling addiction past him.

"You said Kita is pretty smart. You think he could beat you at a game of poker?" Iwaizumi chuckled. There was no way of knowing what he meant by that.

We were at his front door. The door had opened before we even got a chance to knock on it.

Saeko stood in front of us in a black dress. I sighed.

I couldn't deny she looked amazing. Her boobs were one of a kind. She smiled at us.

"I thought you guys weren't going to come. Come in! Get a drink, they're serving them all around." We took our first steps into the cheerful place. Just like she said they really were serving drinks everywhere.

Girls in bikini tops and shorts too short for my liking. I would never be able to wear something like that. I wonder how they felt walking around.

"Would you like one sir?" One girl walked up to Iwaizumi. She looked at me but didn't offer me a drink. Was I invincible?

"I'll be taking that drink. He's not drinking tonight. Thank you, you can leave now." I smiled a huge smile just for her. Iwaizumi stared at me gulping the drink down. I scrunched my face from how strong it was.

"What is up with you?" I handed him the empty cup. "Tonight. Is my night. Your not drinking, I am." I liked this place. It was thriving with people. Sophisticated people. People were laughing and cheering at them winning. This place wasn't a club. It was a casino. I haven't been in one in years.

"Iwaizumi! I was wondering if you were going to come. Is that y/n?" He examined me trying to figure out if I was Catalina or not. I smiled.

"It's y/n. I like it in here." I looked around again. Everything was well done, elegant, and expensive.

"I would like to have a friendly game of poker." He pointed at Iwaizumi.

I could smell Iwaizumi's smile. Kita, I swear if you turn him into a gambling addict again I'll kill you with my own hands.

"I'm warning you, I'm not that good. So let's hope you don't win all my money." Kita's eyes said it all. He was more than excited to win all his money. But Iwaizumi was playing the idiot.

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