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Tw: Mentions of suicide, mentions of self harm

Wednesday, September 15th, 2:43 PM

I walked alone. I walked through some old beat ally.

There was no one around. I was alone.

Why was I here? Why did I leave again?

I had no money. I had no phone. I had no other clothes. So why did I leave?

Everyone was back at the pool. They decided to have a nice day. And I decided to ruin it for them. I saw my chance and took it. I had no idea where I was going to go. Or why I felt the need to go.

Can I go back home? I should.

But I was too far now. I was in an unknown street. I didn't know my way back.

What do I do now?

There was no one around me. Other than trash and rats.

I saw the other end of the ally. Cars passed and passed. It must be a Main Street.

What was I doing here? Why did I leave? I had finally gotten along with both parents. But now. I left again.

Why do I do this?

"Heidi?" I turned quickly. I didn't know this voice.

I remember his face. He was the guy at the bar we went to with Jacob.

His grey hair with black tips on the ends.

"What are you doing here? Leave me alone." I turned around and continued to walk faster. I didn't want to encounter anyone. I could get hurt. I didn't want that.

"Heidi why are you here alone?" He yelled.

I didn't know what to answer. So I just didn't answer. I couldn't answer.

"We have Jacob." He yelled.

That's when I froze. Jacob? Why would they have Jacob? Did he voluntarily go? What was going on?

"He wants to see you. Come with us." He took out his hand. What if this was a trick? What if I'm just getting myself into more problems?

Was Jacob actually with them? What do I do?

"How did you know I was here?" I asked. I couldn't just go. I didn't know these people. I only met them once. They're dangerous people.

"We've been keeping track on you. Trying to find the opportunity to get you to Jacob." He sounded genuine. Maybe Jacob really was there.

"Is Jacob okay?" I started to walk towards him.

"Never been better. He's excited to see you. How long has it been?" I was at his side now. I kept my distance. Doesn't matter if he was telling the truth or not, I didn't want to be next to him.

I white van appeared in front of us at the end of the ally.

"A month. I haven't been able to see or talk to him. Has he said anything about me?" He started to slow down. I was slightly in front of him. I glanced back.

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