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A few hours after the wedding


I woke up to a headache.

My mouth felt dry.

And I was covered in something.

Something sticky.

And wet.

And warm.

I looked around myself.

The room was small.

It was tinted orange from the light.

It smelled horribly.

It looked like a restroom.

I tried to get up. But my legs wouldn't cooperate.

I tried getting up once more, just to fall back on the floor. But I felt no pain when falling down back.

I fell on something.

A body.

I squinted at it. The face of the body was facing a different was from me.

Around their neck was a necklace. And on their hand was a ring.

I looked around.

A bunch of powder was spilled all over the floor.

A syringe next to his hand.

I reached over to look at their face. Still wondering who it was. I was confused as to where I was.

Last time I was conscious of anything, I was in a cellar. Eating food off a tray on the ground. My wrist cut from the handcuffs. And my legs tied together with rope.

But now I was in this restroom.

The walls and mirror were crusted. Oxidation had hit it hard everywhere. It was somewhere you wouldn't want to be.

The door was slightly opened. But it was silent.

I turned the body over.

I screamed in agony.

What was this?

This is just a dream!

"Jacob!" I screamed. My throat vibrated as if I were to lose my voice.

"Jacob! Wake up! WAKE UP!" I screamed over and over. What had we done!?

The syringe!

"Jacob!" I sobbed.

But there was no response.

"Jacob!" I shook his body in hopes that it would make some reaction.

I stopped.

Where was I?

Why was Jacob here?

He gasped.

His chest rising and lowering as he took his breaths.

"Jacob!" I screamed. I wrapped my arms around his neck, sobbing into his shoulder.

He shoved me aside.

I slammed against the wall, my head hurt.

I rubbed my scalp with a terrified look on my face.

"Jacob." I whispered in fear.

"You killed them." He shook. His voice was barely recognizable. His entire body was shaking.

"Killed who!?" I looked down at my hands.

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