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Keep a bullet in and roll. That's the game of life.


"Is Bokuto okay?" I couldn't get my hands on Ushijima because of Tendou yesterday, but if something happens. He's dead.

"He's fine. They stitched him up. He's been asking why you didn't come with us." My heart broke into a million pieces. I wished I could be there for him. He's hurt and I'm stuck with the enemy.

"I'll get out of here soon. I still have to keep an eye on Heidi. Once I get her away, all three of us will head over to the mansion." She must be with that bastard's kid. I just have to find him alone. Doesn't look like he's big with the dad/son relationship, so this should be easy.

"If she comes out of there with even one scratch y/n. I swear it won't end well. Your putting her in danger, she's supposed to stay away from this kind of life." He was right. I couldn't let her get hurt. This was a dangerous life, and I'm putting it on top of her.

"I won't let her. I'll get her soon. She's a smart girl." The phone was about to disconnect. "I'll call you soon. Take good care of Bokuto for me." I looked behind me. Tendou was waiting inside the car. I needed to go.

I hung up the phone not hearing his response. I looked back at Tendou. He was leaning on the steering wheel glaring at me. I smiled.

"What did he say?" He asked.

He thought I had called Kuroo. That was the only lie I could feed him. "They moved back to the mansion. He said they didn't tell him where they were previously living." I opened the door.

"Why did you let them go? Your bloodlust is noticeable. You were going after Ushijima. Why is that?" Tendou. The complete opposite of Bokuto. Yet we were like best friends. "I was playing around and he hurt me. Not my fault he got scared and ran." I pulled the seat belt over myself, this bitch drove like a maniac.

"Not what he told me." I rolled my eyes. Of course, he would tell Tendou. "It was a friendly game of tag. We do it all the time." I took out my phone from my bag. "I dyed my hair. My roots were coming out. Why didn't you help me? Look." He showed me his red fingers. I looked at his hair. It had been a while since he dyed his hair, his roots were growing back. Now they're gone.

"It looks nice. But you know, you've had it for long. Don't you get bored of dying it?" He started up the car. "Maybe it's because your not the only one who could pull off red." He ran a hand through his hair. Trying to flex.

"Yeah, whatever. Let's go home. Have you heard anything on Jacob?" I tried to ask casually. I heard Tendou and him were close. Despite Tendou being how he is.

"There was a lot of noise coming from his room if you know what I mean." He chuckled. I pointed a gun at his head. "What did you say?" I looked forward. I was going to kill that boy.

"I was joking I don't know. One of the maids said that. But who knows, you might end up being a grandma." I felt my eye twitch. Grandma?

"What do you you think I would do to him if what you just said was true?" I gripped my dress.

"I'm sorry. You would be a good grandma, but I'm sure that kid used protection. He knows he's not ready to be a dad yet." My hand was on the trigger. A single push and he's dead. What a tempting choice.

"Tendou. I'm going to pull this trigger if you don't shut up. Do you think I could talk to the kid?" I put my gun down. It wasn't loaded anyway.

"I want to talk to him. But Heidi can't see me. Could you arrange that?"

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