An apology

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I am very sorry for this. To everyone. To my followers and to my readers.

There has been a lot going on lately.

As many of you know, Diabla hasn't ended.

Sure, I'll be writing an ending.

But it won't be as soon as you expect.

Right now I'm working on the very last chapter that will end everything. The only thing I have to say is...

Get your tissues ready.

And I understand if some will stop reading after this, but I really want people to read the ending.

It will end beautifully but painful.

One thing for sure, it won't end like Lords.

But enough of that.

About four more chapters until the ending.

Much of the reason that I haven't posted lately is because I want to release all the chapters and be done.

I have a life like the rest of you, and I love you guys so much, there might not be many of you, but I love each and everyone of you. I can't find the time to write like I used to. But I swear to you guys I will have it soon.

After that, I don't know what I'll do.

I have no idea if I ever want to write another fanfic, and if I do I hope most of you will read and love it.

Just because...I'll give you guys a little spoil ;)

""You guys want to hear what happened this morning!?" I laughed.

Atsumu and Sakusa gave me a death stare.

We were all sitting at the dinner table, this was the perfect opportunity.

"I found Atsumu sucking his own dick, I guess Sakusa didn't want to do it for him." The plates crashed on the ground.

Atsumu stood up, his face red.

Kuroo, Bokuto and I laughed in our chairs.

Embarrassing Sakusa was no fun, but Atsumu, it was hilarious.

"Y/n leave Atsumu alone." Iwaizumi picked at his food.

He was no fun.

He opened a newspaper beside him.

Everything between us was fixed, I was proud in myself. I knew he was lying. He apologized later on.

"How was your own dick, Atsumu?" Kuroo was on the verge of falling off his chair. I grabbed my stomach from the laughter. My jaw was beginning to lock.

"Y/n I'm going to kill you." He mumbled. His hands formed into fists on the table.

That made me laugh even harder.

"Feeling like you can? Jump. I right across from you. Do it." I challenged. He wouldn't do it, he knew I would demolish him in seconds.

"Y/n, that was very funny of you." Osamu was trying his hardest to hide his laugh.

My arm shot up.

There was suddenly something in my hand.

A steak knife.

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