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I looked down upon myself. I wore a beautiful white dress. My hair felt heavy.

I was covered in white dazzling jewelry. My shoes were pure white with rhinestones on the heel part. The dress was huge and light. The tail reached the door behind me.

Where was I?

There was a white screen in front of me. Just to realize it was a veil. I was holding a bouquet of white roses. I looked around.

Nobody was in sight. Was I at a wedding?

I felt a slight tap on my arm.

I turned to see my father in a black suit. His hair slicked back nicely. And an enormous smile on his face. A smile I only ever saw as a child.

"What's going on?" I asked. It was too quiet. Not a sound. Silent.

I was outside. The door to the building behind me and a wall in front of me. There was only the option to go right.

Dad hadn't answered me. As if he didn't hear me.

He offered me his arm. I stared at his hand, then back at him. He nodded.

I hooked my arm with his. He took the first step. It was silent. There was no noise at all.

Was I getting married? Is that what this is? Is my dad marrying me to some old man? I hope not; he doesn't seem like the type to do that.

Where is Jacob? Is it Jacob I'm getting married to?

"Dad, where are we?" I asked again.

And again he didn't answer me. He didn't even look at me. Can he not hear me?

I tapped on his shoulder. He had no reaction. I waved my hand in his face. Still no reaction. What was all of this?

I tried to let go of his arm. I pulled as hard as I could, but I was glued to him. The red carpet appeared in front of us.

Most of the chairs were empty. Everyone was wearing white. I looked back at dad. His suit had changed colors. It was white. The entire room was white.

It wasn't a room. We were outside. The sky was white.

The chairs, the people, even all the flowers were white.

Once we had turned the corner, everyone stood up. Here comes the bride music wasn't playing. Everyone stood silently. Not one of them was making a noise. Our footsteps were muffled. It was silent.

My mom, Bokuto, and Oikawa were on the front row of the left side. On the right were Kiyoko, Terushima, Tendou, and Kageyama. The rest were standing right behind them.

Mom was the only one with a red dress there. A bright red contrasting against the white.

The red carpet laid on the white grass.

Everyone's eyes were on me. But I was staring at the person in front of me. They had their back facing me. I didn't know who they were. From the back was his white suit just like everyone else and his pitch black hair.

Dad finally looked at me. A proud smile. His eyes in tears.

I smiled back, despite not knowing what was going on.

The person was standing in front of a branch arch. The bottom of each side started as a tree trunk. Slowly going thinner. White roses were positioned in a beautiful pattern. The darkness of the branches making the roses pop out.

Dad and I walked in sync. Not missing a step.

We were halfway to the arch. The person still hadn't turned around.

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