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"Are the brothers awake? I need them here." Kuroo walked alongside me.

I just saw y/n a few hours ago and I already miss her. Why should I? She's been dead and I got over her, why now?

Oikawa wasn't here. Why did she take Oikawa? Shouldn't I be killing Terushima for what he did on my wedding day? I should be out there.

'Just trust me.' How could I trust someone who's not even here? She expects me to follow her blindly around.

"Just say you miss and love her. Stop beating around the bush and letting your pride swallow you." Kuroo has an annoying way of knowing what I'm thinking. He needs to stop that.

"Kuroo I don't think you understand. She left me. She took everyone we cared about with her. I love her, but I can't accept her yet. She's in the wrong, and until she says she is, I'm not moving from the spot I am in now." I felt like crying. But I know no tears would come out.

"Did you really do that to her room? I would've expected you to at least clean up after yourself." I chuckled.

"What was the need? None of us were going to come back to this place, anyway. But now that we are back, I don't regret one thing." We walked into the dining room, hoping they would be eating.

Kuroo opened the door, just to find that nobody was awake.

"It's eight, isn't it? Why aren't they awake?" We would be up at five. What happened to these people?

"Trust me, they're not going to wake up now." What the fuck did y/n do to my guys!?

"Tell them I said to wake up. Now. We're meeting y/n today. I have some business to do." What I was going to do today is probably reckless, but what can I do?

"Y/n didn't tell us about meeting up with her? Did she call you?" If I told him, he's going to try to stop me.

"Yea she did. Later today. It's still early. We're not eating out, tell one of them to get their asses here and make breakfast." Sakusa was going to leave soon. I'm sending Atsumu and Osamu out. Just five of us left in this house.

"On it." Kuroo ran up to their rooms. I was still tired. The news is probably replaying her picture of what happened.

"Good morning." I flinched at the sound of his voice.

"Morning Sakusa. I thought you were still sleeping." Why was I surprised? He was with me all these years. They haven't forgotten how it works in here.

"No sir, I wanted to talk to you." Talk to me?

"Better if you sit down for this." He pointed to the old couches. I didn't like his tone. It was sorrowful. What happened now?

I walked over to sit on one of the couches. He sat right in front of me. The look in his eyes was painful. Something happened.

"Speak." I hoped it wasn't too bad.

"Atsumu and I want to resign. We don't want to live like this anymore. If you please we want to leave as soon as possible." I felt my heart shatter. What was he talking about? Resigning? He can't resign. Who does he think he is?

I stood up from the couch.

"No. It's not happening. I'm sorry, but I can't allow that. You can't just stroll out of a mafia. Your best bet is to stay with me. You work for me. I decide when you leave, if you want to leave, I have no other choice but to kill you." I stood up tall. That was a lie. I wouldn't kill any of them if my life depended on them. But they didn't know that.

He stared at me. Not making a sound.

"Understand? You don't leave this place unless you want to die. Don't mention a word of this to anyone." I walked away.

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