17| The Truth Hurts

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~To The Story~

"... I... I finally made it," you heavily breathed out.

Arriving at the front gate of the school, you completely came to a full stop. Hands resting just above your knee, you tried your best to catch your breath from all that running you did.

You tried not to make skipping or being late to school a habit. Sure there are times you missed assembly and there are occasions when you straight up skip gym class altogether. But, as mentioned before, you try not to make it into a habit. You know the school will have to take action if you do this sort of thing daily.

An average grade like yours, mixed with a poor attendance record does not look good in your transcript.

"Oh, hey (y/n)-san." Upon hearing that voice, you causally tilted your head up. A couple of meters away from you was Karma. You straighten your posture as you slowly trying to regain the air you lost from all that running. "What's up? Why are you in a hurry?"

"Um..." You furrowed your brows at Karma's words, now softly panting and standing up straight. "Because I'm late for school... and so are you."

"Meh," he shrugged without a care in the world, he strides over to where you are to make better communication. "Being late is normal for me."


That doesn't surprise you in the least. You decided to not say anything about that and instead decided to comment on how his bandage was now off, thinking it will be a good way to start a conversation with him.

"I see your cut completely healed." You poked his cheek where the bandage once was.

"It wasn't a big deal, to begin with. You should have seen what happened to the delinquent I was fighting." A devilish smile was now resting on his face. "The brainless idiot ended up with a broken arm from fighting with me."

Your face had a mixture of concern, horror. Why did he sound so proud when he said that? Good grief, this guy.

"Please be careful when you do get into fights." You said meekly.

"Hey!! You two are late!"

Your soul nearly left your body at the booming sound of the teacher yelling. Whipping your head to the entrance you can confirm that the teacher who was yelling, wasn't directed towards you and Karma but two other students who were caught being late and trying to sneak into the front entrance of the school.

"Why did it have to be Endo-sensei?" You yelled whispered in a panic.

If he were to catch you out here, being late, then there was no escaping his wrath. Now, Endo is a nice gym teacher and everything, but if you get caught breaking any school regulations, that's when all bets are off.

Karma suddenly grabbed your upper arm and pulled you so are forced to walk in the opposite direction of the school and going unnoticed by the gym teacher.

"What--? Karma-kun, where are you taking me?"

"You don't want to get caught do you?" Was all Karma said as the two of you kept trudging along.

Getting the feeling that he was helping you to sneak into the school, you let him drag you around and did not question him at all. It didn't take long for you to reach the other side of the school and it seemed like Endo didn't catch you and Karma at all, seeing as that he was too busy scolding the other students.

"These windows are always open throughout the day," Karma stated and sliding the glass-framed window to the side, leaving a good amount of space for the two of you to enter.

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