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You woke to a small ray of light beaming through a gap in your curtains and blinked a few times, your eyes still not used to the darkness surrounding you. You sat up and looked around the room that you were now calling home.

At the foot of your bed sat a desk with a few plates scattered over it from the meals you had eaten in your bedroom, to your left was the window, your right a wardrobe neatly closed with clothes neatly inside. Your bed soft underneath you. The door to your bathroom slightly ajar but you had turned the light off so couldn't see inside.

You took  a big breath in through your nose, trying to wake yourself up a bit more. It smelt stale and like... toast?

You flicked your legs over the side of the bed and turned on the lamp next to you. You didn't have to move the duvet as you had slept on top, feeling uncomfortable having something covering you; it always felt as if you were suffocating.

You stood up and walked over to a desk. On top was a little white box. You placed your hands on top of the desk and leaned down, pressing yourself onto your hands as you tried to wake up more; you had found out recently that you were not a morning person

Good morning Y/N. How are you today?

You jumped at the soft voice with an Irish twang coming from the box, again. Like you did every time she spoke since you arrived at the compound. "I wish you didn't do that FRIDAY. I've asked you a number of times not to just turn up."

I am sorry ma'am. Mr Stark wanted to make sure you were OK.

"Of course he did." You sigh. "Where is he?" You took in a deep breath, running your fingers through your knotty hair before letting your lungs deflate.

Mr Stark is in the control room with breakfast. Would you like me to notify him on your pending arrival?

"Please. I'll just change first." You looked down to your oversized shirt that only covered half your ass.

Of course.

You stood there for a few more minutes until you were sure FRIDAY had gone; it always freaked you out that a computer was listening in.

You found it uncomfortable changing, as if she could see you. And in all honesty, you were unsure if she could.

You looked around the room as you changed, making sure there were no cameras hiding in corners or behind something. The same thing you did every morning and night. Just in case.

You changed out of the oversized t-shirt you had been wearing to bed since you arrived and into a black sports bra and leggings, not really bothering with much else in your wardrobe.

As you put your trainers on you looked up in to the full length mirror to the side of you. You sat up and looked at the marks. Small scars and cuts all the way up your side ad over your stomach. You turned slightly to see a small scatter on your back. Some were old, some were new. All were not borrowed. And a couple blue....

You sighed, jumping up and opening your wardrobe again to find the black hoodie that comforted you and calmed you down. You threw it on and made your way out your room as you tied your hair up into a messy bun, just to keep it out of your face.

Walking the white corridors you looked around everywhere you went. Around every turn, down the staircases and up them, and even above and below decks.

Corridors ran everywhere with various doors until the main entrance which was fully open so you could see the floors above and below. It made you rather nervous. Like you were at a hospital, all so clinical and new.

Fight For You - Avengers POVWhere stories live. Discover now