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Your eyes fluttered open and you were back in a bright, white room. You tried to move your arms but they were strapped to the table. Your ankles too. You screamed before Tony and Bruce came closer, Bruce placing a hand on your shoulder and Tony leaning on the table.

"Evening Y/N. We're not trying to hurt you." Bruce said, holding onto your shoulder carefully not putting any pressure on it, just resting it there. As if he was trying to comfort you. It didn't work.

His touch felt friendly enough, but he was the one trying to run tests on you. Trying to stick needles into your skin and figure out who you were, where you came from. No one was really just asking you. Not that you would have said yes, or even know everything yourself... but no one had even tried it. They were just forcing you to do things you didn't want to do... just like the others did.

"Get me out of here!" You screamed, trying to free yourself, pulling on the restraints, trying to get up. "Please" you begged, tears starting to stream down your face.

"Now Y/N, calm down." Another new voice? "We just want to help."

You turned to look at who the voice belonged to. He was tall with broad shoulders. Chiselled jaw and perfectly swept back hair. His top was tight to the point you could nearly see each muscle, each line of each ab, underneath. He looked kind. But you couldn't trust him if he was on their side... You couldn't trust anyone... Except...

"Bucky? Where's Bucky?" You asked, still trying to free yourself from the restraints. They cut into your skin the more you twisted and turned your wrists and ankles. You felt your skin rip open and the blood trail down on to the table underneath.

The new guy, Mr Perfect, looked over to the others in the room. Tony, Bruce and a woman. She was so pretty. Short red hair and a body that curved in the right places. She was stood a little further away than the others, watching everything that went on and scanning your body with her eyes as if she was making a mental note of everything you were doing.

"Where is Bucky!?" You asked again a little louder, shaking the restrains.

"He's .... not here." Tony said walking closer to you. "But Y/N, we need to make sure you're OK."

You shook your head, "I'm fine. I need Bucky. Please. I need him! I don't want to be here! Not without Bucky. I don't wanna be here. Not without him!" You shouted again trying to wiggle your arms free. "I can't. I can't!"

You felt anger bubbling up inside. So much anger. And sadness. You needed Bucky more than you thought and without him it caused more pain. Even after such a short time, he had become your security blanket that you needed with you for everything. You just needed him.

"Y/N, please -" Bruce started his sentence, trying to calm you down... but it wasn't working. Nothing was.

Your heart felt like it was going to rip out your chest. Your throat and lungs sore from the screaming. Not to mention the metal still cutting into your ankles and wrists deeper every time you wiggled and pulled at them, trying to release them.

"NOOO!" You shouted and pulled your arms on  the metal restraints. Pushing the cold metal into your wrists, you felt it cut in but more didn't care. You wanted out. One final push as you screamed as loud as you could, feeling the anger bubble up in your stomach to your ankles and wrists. The metal broke with a clang, hitting the table beneath you and freeing your arms. You sat up and went to your ankles.

"Whoa! What the -" Mr Perfect shouted, running back to you and pinning you down by your shoulders.

You shouted and tried to wiggle free from his grip. Every so often you managed to get your shoulders off the table but he soon pinned you back down. "I can't hold her down! I don't want to hurt her!"

His grip tightened and you continued to struggle against him; grabbing his arms to try pull him away, digging your nails into his skin, trying to hurt him so he'd let go. But he didn't. It didn't seem to matter what you did, it didn't faze him in the slightest.

"She just broke out if metal restraints, idiot. I think she can handle a little bit of pressure!" Tonys voice came over noises from the computer, beeping and alarms ringing off the walls.

"Bucky! Help!" You screamed, arching your back off the table, trying to free yourself from this mans grip.

"FRIDAY get Bucky!" You heard Tony's voice from across the room.

A few minutes later you heard the door swing open, crashing on the wall behind it. And then he was by your side. "Hey, hey Y/N. I'm here. I'm here."

You looked over to see Buckys bright eyes staring down, "Bucky" you sobbed, relaxing your shoulders. "I don't want to be here."

The hands of the other guy left your shoulders, feeling as if you weren't going to try get out the ankle restraints any more.

"I don't want you here either." He whispered, stroking you head as you relaxed, wiping away the tears with his palm that had fallen down your cheeks.

"I can't believe you guys just took her!" He stood up and shouted at the others. "In the middle of the night as well! You ignored everything I said! She's scared, Tony! Why can't you see that!?"

He stood in front to Tony, sizing each other up, seeing if one would break. Bucky had his hand out and palm up and finally Tony gave Bucky the key for the ankle restraints.

Bucky walked back over to you and unclipped your ankles, slowly helping you down off the table and picking you up in his arms.

"Just leave her alone." He sighed before walking out with you.

You nuzzled into his neck trying to calm yourself down. He was like your personal guardian angel, like superman; always to the rescue when you needed him.

"Bucky!" Mr Perfect shouted over.

Bucky stood still but didn't turn around. You looked up from under your lashes to gauge how he was feeling. His face was hard, jaw clenched and was looking dead ahead.

"She broke out of those metal restraints. She's not safe." Mr Perfects voice came from over Bucky shoulders.

Bucky slowly turned around and walked a couple of steps towards the guy. You again peered up to him, he frowned at the guy who looked at him with sympathetic eyes.

"You would be able to break out of those too. Are you not safe?" Bucky asked, pausing to let him reply. But he didn't. So Bucky turned and walked back out.

You arrived back at your room and Bucky placed you back down in the bed. "Are you going to be OK?"

You shook your head, completely and utterly scared that they would just come back in and kidnap you again. Just take you back to that room without your permission to do tests and research on you. Like the others did. 

"I'm right next door. Please just knock on the wall if you need me. For anything. Literally." He moved some hair out of your face and gently stroked your cheek before running his hand down your arm to your wrists.

"Do you want something for those?" He examined your wrists where you had cuts from trying to break the restraints.

You shook your head, again, unable to talk. It was as if you had screamed your voice away and it didn't want to return. Bucky just smiled, kissed you in the forehead and stood up from the bed, "OK. Goodnight." He walked out the room and left you.

But you couldn't sleep. You sat up against the headboard and turned the bed side light on. You heard the door open to Buckys room and close gently. He sighed and, you guessed by the sound of the springs, fell onto his bed. He sounded annoyed, fed up. Was it because of you? Is it your fault? Why is he trusting you so much? Why were you trusting him so much?

Fight For You - Avengers POVWhere stories live. Discover now