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You woke the next morning, still wrapped in Steve's arms. His breathing slow against your neck meaning he was still asleep. You gently turned to look at him, his eyes closed and lips pressed lightly together. He looked so peaceful.

You gently kissed his cheek and slowly lifted his arm to get out of bed. You searched the room but couldn't see the clothes you had been wearing the day before. You saw Steve's shirt so decided to throw that on, and then checked his drawers to find some bottoms. You slipped on a pair of shorts, tying them as tight as you could so they didn't fall down, and went out to the kitchen.

You started making coffee and toast when the door opened making you jump. You turned to see Bucky smiling at you, looking you up and down and noticing the clothes you were wearing.

"Where did you spend last night?" He winked at you.

"Shut up Bucky." You blushed, pouring the milk into the coffee mugs.

"So," he moved behind you and wrapped his arms around your shoulders, "what you do?" he leaned his chin on the top of your head but you could hear the smirk in his voice.

"I believe that is between me and Steve."

"Ooo first name bases. Must have been fun."

You sighed and turned round to face him, "what d'you mean?"

"You think we all haven't noticed? You only ever call him Rogers, unless you're flirting with him. Then he's Captain." Bucky winked. "Was he your Captain last night?"

"Oh my God" you sighed and pushed Bucky away from you, turning back to the coffee.

"Come on, I'm teasing Y/N." Bucky pushed himself to sit on the kitchen side, "how was it?"

"You really wanna know how your best friend was in bed?"

Bucky paused for a moment, like he was really thinking about it. "Nah not really. But answer me this, now you have something to compare it with; how was losing your virginity?"

You smiled, "shit." You grabbed the tray of coffee and toast and walked towards the door

"Ooo, my boy did good!" Bucky shouted after you.

You laughed to yourself as you crossed the hall and back into Steve's room. He was still fast asleep so you placed the tray down quietly, took the mugs off and moved them to the bedside table before climbing back in next to him.

Steve's eyes fluttered open as you lightly stroked his arm with your finger tips. "Morning." He smiled, pulling you in for a kiss, "how did you sleep?"

"I did." He looked at you confused, "I haven't slept for longer than an hour a night since being here. But last night, I actually slept. All night."

Steve rolled you over so he was towering over you, his hips pinning you down, "was it because you were tired?" He leaned down and kissed your neck down to your collar.

"Maybe." You giggled, his hand going under the shirt and stroking your side.

"Still tired?" He whispered against your skin.

"Not in the slightest." You giggled as Steve continued to kiss all the skin on show. "I made coffee."

"It'll still be there." Steve smirked and sat up, looking at his clothes on you, "I'll admit, these look very sexy on you, but I prefer you out of them."


Later that morning, you went down to the gym to see Natasha and Clint already there, doing a few stretches before their workout.

"Good morning" you smiled, skipping over to them.

"Someones happy" Natasha smiled back.

You sat next to her on the mat and started stretching out your legs, "it's a .... good morning."

"Why?" Clint looked down to you with a concerned expression.

You shrugged and giggled, more to yourself then the other two. But Natashas eyes widened as she realised what you were on about; it was as if she could read your mind.

"Oh my. You and Steve....?" You nodded. She giggled along with you, "wow. Y/N and Steve. Who would've thought?"

Clint cleared his thought and threw a knife to you, catching it carefully. "This isn't maths lesson girls; less gossiping, more concentrating."

"What's his problem!?" You whispered and Natasha shrugged, both of you getting up.

You spent the next couple of hours training with Clint and Natasha, trying your best to miss rubber NERF bullets and rubber tipped arrows. You started getting better...but it took you a while to get used to the movements.

You sat on the bench after training, Natasha had already left and Clint was busy picking up some of the arrows.

"Want some help?" You asked, resting an ice pack on a particularly bad hit of a bullet to your shoulder.

Clint shook his head. "You OK?" He didn't say or do anything. It was as if he was ignoring you... "Clint?" You got up and walked over to him, "you OK?"

He sighed, picking up another arrow and standing up straight, "I don't want to see you get hurt." He walked away to collect the rest of the arrows.

"What you mean? It's why you're training me."

He sighed again, turning around to face you, "not this. Steve." He motioned to the bench and you both walked over, sitting down.

He placed the arrows in a bag and zipped it up before continuing. "This job is hard. You're constantly in this moral grey area; save one or save a thousand."

"You save the thousand, of course." You smiled, a little confused with what he was trying to say.

"What if that one, was the love of your life? Would you risk losing them to save a thousand people you don't know?"

You were stumped.

"I have to think about that everyday. And everyday my answers the same; I'd save my wife and kids. Every time."

He sighed and looked over to you, "I'm not a hero. I just help the heroes. But Steve... Steve is the hero."

You looked away and thought about it for a minute. Would he really sacrifice you for others? Stupid question, of course he would. Like Clint said, he's a hero. "What about Bucky? He's my best mate -"

"Bucky's like me. He'd save you every day. He'd risk everyones lives to make sure you're safe." Clint took your hand and wrapped the other around your shoulder, pulling you in for a hug. "I'm not sure which one is the correct answer though."

You lay your head on his shoulder thinking it all over: which is the right answer? Guess that's the problem with morals, everyone's are different. There is no correct answer really.

"Why are you looking out for me?" You picked your head up, "you hardly know me."

Clint smiled, "I can see the scared girl you really are. I see my little girl in you too. And I just want to protect you any way I can. Even if that means training you to fight." He pulled you back into a hug, resting his head on top of yours, "But know I'll fight for you, always."

Fight For You - Avengers POVWhere stories live. Discover now