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You woke tied to another table. "Fuck sake" you muttered under your breath, trying to pull your arms free. You noticed your vest was now gone, along with you gun and knife holster.

"Unfortunately for you, the super serum has worn off. Meaning you can't break those shackles." A man came into view.

"Piss off." You spat at him, not wanting to hear any more of this bullshit you call your life.

"I remember when you first came here, just as fiery as you are now." He chuckled, "proud of you, sis."

You turned and the Suit removed his mask.

"Dylan!?" You looked at your brother in the face for the first time in... who knows.

Apart from seeing him on the video camera, the last time you thought you'd seen him was your birthday before he went missing... before you were kidnapped.

He removed his jacket and walked over, "God you look so much like mum."

"Why are you doing this?" Your voice wobbled as you spoke, fighting back your anger and your tears.

"They needed subjects and I thought you'd be perfect." He had a stupid smirk plastered on his face. Like he was proud of you, proud of himself.

"Why was I perfect!?"

He shrugged and sat down next to you, "we did everything together. So why not this?"

"You weren't missing...."

Dylan laughed and moved a piece of your hair out of your face. "No. They asked a few of us for a special operation. I hated being in that fight, I jumped at the chance of leaving."

Dylan jumped up and walked out of sight. He was moving some metal things, all you could hear was them clattering against each other. "Remember when we went to the beach when you were about 10? That kid pushed you in the sand?"

You sighed, "No."

"Ah, right. The whole memory thing...." His hand touched your head, stroking your hair, "what about the Winter Soldier?"

"What about Bucky?" Your voice trembled, unsure what was going to happen next...

"Do you remember him?"

"No. I don't remember much about anything."

Dylan turned and looked you dead in the eyes, "You saw him on and off for the first three years; training you. We were hoping you'd become another super soldier. But he always attacked us."

"Once we stopped bringing him to you, you broke down. You lay there and let everything happen. Like you had just given up." He looked you up and down, his eyes dark as he looked back up to you. "We tried once more after we injected you with that metal stuff, but again he attacked us and tried to help you escape."

He gently moved a piece of hair out of your face. "And then we just stopped completely. Forget the super soldier programme. We'll just test on you. Who cares if you die, right?" He chuckled to himself, stroking your hair.

"But what caused Barnes to snap back always played on our mind. And you weren't letting up. Hiding information in your brain somehow. Making yourself forget." Dylan forcefully grabbed your hair, pulling your head to the side so the back of your neck was exposed.

"But now, thanks to this," he brought a needle into view, "we can get you to remember. See those memories you've hidden away from us. We can finally see what Barnes saw in you that first time he looked into your eyes."

The needle pierced your skin just behind your ear. You could feel it drag along and hit your skull. You screamed, not because it hurt, just so the others may hear you. You felt him wiggle it slightly and the needle continue in under your skull.

Fight For You - Avengers POVWhere stories live. Discover now