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You were sat in your room when an alarm blared. You looked round trying to work out what was going on. You remembered hearing these alarms in the lab. It usually means someone got loose. You wondered if something similar rang out when you escaped....

But it didn't mean that here. It couldn't. So what was this one for?

Before you could think any more, your door burst open and three men walked in carrying guns. Two pointed at you and the third grabbed you, "it took a while, but we found you. Come on." He grabbed your arm and pulled you out the room.

You kicked and screamed, trying to pull yourself free of his grip. "Help! Bucky! Get off me!" You cried, knowing there was nothing anyone could do. They were going to take you whether you liked it or not. But you needed to do something. Anything. So you kept shouting and screaming, hoping someone would hear.

You got to the main entrance, still being pulled by the man and two Guards holding their guns out incase anyone tried to help you. All around you there was broken glass and rubble. Some of the stairs were broken too.


The guy turned round to a corridor above the four of you. You could see someone stood above.... It was..... Rogers? He was holding some sort of shield.

"What the hell?" You whispered, looking at The Guards who now pointed their guns at him.

"Ah, Captain America. I'm sorry, she's property of the US Government. We're not leaving without her." The guy said who was holding you.

Captain America? What the hell was a Captain America?

"Well then, I guess you're not leaving." Rogers said before jumping down. The two Guards fired shots at him, but he held the shield up to protect himself. The bullets bounced off without a scratch to the shield, and hit the walls and even some other Guards around the room.

The Guard on your right suddenly stopped firing and fell to the ground. You looked down to see him not moving, a bullet wound in his back and blood seeping out. You turned to look behind you, to see who had taken the shot. Bucky was a couple of floors up and pointing a gun at the Guard on the floor.

"Y/N! You ok?" Bucky shouted over. You slowly nodded unsure what to say or do.

Bucky had just shot someone, you couldn't tell if he was still breathing; was Bucky a good guy, or a bad one? Had he just killed someone? But the Guard was after you, so Bucky saved you. But he killed someone....

Your head was in a spin, unsure if you were truly safe here. Again, you didn't have time to think as someone came up behind Bucky holding something in his hand, shining in the lights that weren't broken.

"BUCKY!" You shouted up, not thinking about anything else other than keeping him safe, like he always made you. He turned to the guy and held up his metal arm to stop the guy hitting him.

You hadn't noticed a few other guys in the Guard suits come in and start to descend on Rogers. The guy that had been holding you lost his grip and you fell over, hitting your head on a rock that was near you. The Guard that had let you go started walking up to you and you grabbed the rock and threw it at him. It hit him in the face but nothing really happened, he continued to walk over to you with a slight cut on his cheek where the rock had hit him.

Around you there was dust in the air, bullets firing, and screams and shouts everywhere. You had no clue what was going on and you really didn't want to be there.

The guy that was on his way to you suddenly fell and you saw Rogers shield fly through the air and back to him. He ran over to you and knelt down, "hey, you alright?"

Fight For You - Avengers POVWhere stories live. Discover now