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Back upstairs, you stood in one of the glass rooms as people wondered around, clearing up debris and fixing things. They were quick on the clean up here.

Everyone was sat around a table looking at you, waiting for you to explain yourself.

When you arrived back upstairs, Bruce appeared and wrapped your wound up in a tight bandage, no stitching just yet... you wanted to explain everything first.

"My names Y/N. And I can't remember my last name."

"Why?" Tony asked, chewing on the inside of his cheek.

"I'm not sure. When I was 16, I was walking back from school when this car pulled up and grabbed me. No one saw, no one followed. No one tried to find me." You looked down to your feet, shuffling them, wondering how to explain yourself when you weren't too sure on yourself.

"I was taken to And I was left there. I don't know how long. There were no windows, the light was constantly on. It was always bright and white. I had a blanket and a pillow and that was it. I had to sleep on the floor. Then someone would come in and drag me out. I was starving all the time. They only fed me enough to keep me alive." You looked up to everyone, scanning their faces quickly before you felt tears sting your eyes.

"They tied me to this table in this lab. Again, everything was white. And they stuck needles in me and drilled holes. I was tied to it for days. I don't know what they were doing most the time. I was too weak to pay attention to what they were saying, or I've forgotten. I don't know." You took a breath and looked round at the team.

They were all listening intently. Rogers was leaning back in his chair, resting on a hand. His brows close together as you spoke and jaw clenched.

Bucky was sat up but looking down at the floor. His expression looked broken, like he didn't want to hear what you were saying. Like every word hurt him.

Tony was leaning forward, elbows resting on the table, eyes locked on you. The girl was stood by the door, leaning against it. While Bruce was stood by a computer, arms folded and looking down at his feet. And another guy was sat at the table, arms folded and looking directly at you.

"What's the deal with your arm?" The girl asked, breaking the short silence.

You ran your hand over the bandage and sighed, "one experiment I remember .... they had a call about this serum to fix bones without surgery."

"That's impossible. You need surgery to put the bones back into place and screws and ...." Bruce explained but you cut him off.

"Not impossible. Not yet anyway. I don't know if they've succeeded. I'm not sure how many tests they did before me or after me, but on my test they put my ankle and knee into these vices to hold it in place. And then hit my shin, breaking my leg. Without any pain relief." Everyone's face screwed up at the thought of having a bone broke on purpose and not being able to do anything about it.

"I remember the agony. The pain was like nothing I had ever felt before. They x-rayed me to make sure it was broke, left me in the vice and then injected me with this serum." You wiped your eyes as you remembered the pain in your leg.

"This serum was some sort of melted metal? I don't know. It was suppose to cover the broken area of the bone and solidify around it. It would then help repair the break and mean the weakened bone wouldn't be able to break again."

"So you'd have metal wrapped around your bone?" Tony asked.

You nodded. "Mine went wrong. And instead of covering just the broken area, it went all over and covered all my bones."

Everyone looked up to you with a mix of confusion and shock. "You have metal covering your bones?" The new guy asked.

"Basically." You sighed.

"It's not possible." Bruce said, again.

"You think I'm lying? You wanna check!?" You shouted and ripped the bandage off, walking over to Bruce and pulling the bullet wound open further.

Bucky jumped up to try stop you but it was too late. He looked down along with Bruce and they saw a hint of the metal. Just enough to prove you weren't lying.

"That needs stitching up." Bruce swallowed hard and turned to get a suture kit.

"Why didn't you tell us before?" Tony asked, getting up from the table and walking around the room.

"I don't trust people." You looked side ways over to Bucky and half smiled. He smiled back, holding onto your hand.

Bruce came back over and pulled out a chair for you. You sat down and placed your arm on the table for him to stitch up. He got a needle and syringe out and went to take the top off, "don't bother. Just stitch it."

"You need to be numbed."

"I've had needles and knives stabbed in me more times then I can count. Someone broke my leg. Pinned me down to drill holes in me, and just recently I got shot. So I think a few stitches will be child's play."

Bruce started with the stitches, squirting some water on first and checking the area was clean. You didn't flinch at all. It really was nothing new.

"How old are you now?" The guy asked, not moving from his position.

"What's the date?" You looked round to everyone.

"March 5th, 2021" Bucky answered you.

You let out a sigh and tried to hold back the tears. "Huh. OK. I'm two days shy of 27."

"And you were taken at 16?" The girl asked, you nodded. "10 years? Wow. You really have missed a lot."

"Yeah. A whole decade of...missing things." You sighed again and looked at the floor unable to stop the tears. 10 years you were missing and no one came to find you. No one.

"I think Steve and I have you beat on that. Try seven decades." Bucky laughed, trying to make you feel a little better.

It helped. Kind of. But you were just more confused then ever. "What? Who are you guys?"

These two blokes didn't look to be 40 let alone 100. What the hell was going on?

Rogers leaned forward and cleared his throat, "We are the Avengers." He went on to tell you about what they do and who everyone was. The two people in the room you didn't know were introduced as Natasha and Sam.

Everyone had their own little back story. Their own little broken life. You started to feel a little more at home.

Fight For You - Avengers POVWhere stories live. Discover now