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You quickly showered and changed before running to the main conference room where Tony had called you all. As you ran down the corridor above the main entrance, you looked over the side to see Steve with Sharon.

You stopped to watch them, knowing you shouldn't; you shouldn't be spying on anyone, let alone the guy that you...well... you're... Wow. You really needed to have that conversation with Steve....

Sharon laughed and gently stroked Steve's arm and he smiled. You felt anger bubble inside as you watched them; you didn't trust her at all. But you trusted Steve, right?

They turned and walked in the direction of the stairs and you quickly ran out of sight down the next corridor to the meeting.

Through the glass you could see Sam, Bucky, Natasha, Tony and Bruce already there. You changed to a quick walk and fell in the chair next to Sam just as Steve and Sharon turned the corner in to view.

"I hate her." You whispered to Sam.

"You're not alone there." Sam whispered back as the two of you watched them walk to the room.

"Why does she annoy me?"

Bucky pushed his chair next to you to join in the conversation, "do you feel threatened by her?"

You watched Steve and Sharon and how they interacted. It did annoy you how close they seemed. You knew it shouldn't, but there was just something in the pit of your stomach that made you .... no. No, you were not threatened by her.

"Nope" you said very unconvincingly.

"You don't have to be, you know?" Sam said as Steve opened the door letting Sharon in first.

"I'm not." You said through gritted teeth.

"We don't believe you." Bucky whispered

"Piss off."

"Right. Let's go over what we know..." Tony looked at the three of you with that face of shut up I'm talking. "Where's Clint?"

"Family emergency." Natasha said and Tony rolled his eyes.

"Part time hero" Tony mumbled.

"It doesn't matter anyway," you stuck a fake smile on your face, "Sharon's here, she can take Clints place."

Sharon giggled, "oh I don't know. I don't think I could shoot an arrow as well as him." She joked, laughing with Steve next to her.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I just assumed you were here to help." You cocked your head to the side and looked in her direction, removing your smile.

"I am." She smiled back to you.

"Then what exactly are you bringing to the table? Because I'm confused."

"Doesn't take much to confuse you then, does it?"

Bucky grabbed your knee and squeezed tight, stopping you from flying over the table as he saw you jerk forward.

"What exactly do you bring then?" You spat, biting your tongue.

"I have intel from there."

"Better intel than the girl who was held captive there for ten years?"

"My mind hasn't been messed with."

"No, you like to do the messing don't you?"

"What's the intel you have, Sharon?" Tony butted in to your back and forth.

You kept your eyes on Sharon a little longer before turning away. Bucky took your hand, linking his finger with yours and squeezing it lightly so you looked over to him. He smirked and bit his lip, holding back his laughter.

Fight For You - Avengers POVWhere stories live. Discover now