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You were finally allowed to leave the bed a week later. You had to have some more blood a few days later as it dipped again, but other then that it was smooth sailing. Your energy had returned, you were finally eating properly, and you could walk further than the bathroom without getting sore and tired.

You still had to be careful where you were stabbed, the stitches still in place because of how deep it was. Bucky kept apologising every time he made you laugh as the wound would hurt.

The first night out of the medical room you spent with Steve. Just being together and talking; mainly him asking you questions about your life now you could answer them.

It was weird talking about yourself after not knowing for sure who you were for those couple of weeks. But it also felt so good to know who you were and have your whole personality back.

You talked about your family, school, growing up, and also your friends...

After a couple of days of digging around the internet, you found a coffee shop....

"What was her name again?" Bucky asked, looking around the coffee shop.

"Clara" you sipped your coffee, "She was my best friend."

You both sat drinking coffee and waiting for her to turn up. No, you were not meeting her. It was kind of like an ambush. You found she was working at this coffee shop and her shift started soon. So you would try talk to her and see if she remembered you, see if what Dylan had told you was true; that all their memories were erased.

You recognised her instantly when she walked through the doors; she hadn't changed at all. Her dark hair scraped back in a bun on top of her oval face.

You got up and walked in her direction, looking down at your phone but your eyes watching her every movement so you could walk into her.

You bumped into her and dropped the phone, "Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" you bent down and picked up your phone and her keys that she had dropped, "I really should pay attention." you looked up and smiled, handing over her keys.

"It's no problem, and thanks." she smiled friendly and walked around you.

"Clara?" you asked, turning round as she walked passed.

"Yeah? Do I know you?" She scanned you up and down, furrowing her brow as if she was trying to place you.

Your heart broke a little when she did. It was all true; memories had been wiped. You just smiled back at her and pointed to her name tag, "I saw your tag. Sorry. I thought ... you reminded me of someone else."

She sighed and then smiled a little, "Listen, you're pretty and all, but I don't swing -"

"Oh, God no. I wasnt chatting you up" you cringed and pointed to Bucky, "I'm with someone."

Clara looked over to Bucky who smiled and waved, "Honestly, I just thought you looked like someone. Never mind." You walked back over to Bucky, holding back the tears. "She doesn't remember me." you sat down and sighed.

"I got something that...well, I don't know if it'll cheer you up actually." Bucky stood up and put his hand out in front of you, motioning you to take it and follow him.

You placed your hand in his, Bucky pulled you to your feet and walked out the coffee shop and into the car you were borrowing from Clint.

Bucky drove as you thought about how your life had changed so much. You were always out with friends before, and now you had no one that you could talk to. Everyone was either dead or had their memories erased, somehow.

Bucky stopped at a church. "I'm not marrying you Buck."

He rolled his eyes and got out, "Steve told me to bring you here."

"I'm not marrying Steve here either." You got out the car and looked up to the church. It was cute, but you never pictured yourself getting married at a church. A nice old building, a manor maybe. Loads of garden space to play outside games, an outside bar, sun shine....

"So you'll marry him somewhere else?" Bucky smirked closing the car door and locking it.

"Shut up." You shook your head and smiled as you walked over to him. He took your hand again and you walked into the yard. You could see Steve over the far corner, so you both walked over.

Steve turned and smiled when he saw the two of you coming, "Hey" he brought you in, holding you close and kissing the top of your head. "You ready?"


Steve sighed and let you go, turning you to look at a gravestone. He stood behind you, holding your shoulders as you read the stone. Your parents. "How did you -"

"A lot of searching. I just thought maybe you needed to find them." Steve wrapped his arms around your shoulders, pulling you back into him.

"Do you think they knew I was taken? Or, were they just killed? What about Dylan, did they know about him? We all spent months worried about him when he was MIA, and we didn't know he was alive in some government facility testing on people."

"Would you rather they were still alive, worried about you both for 10 years?" Bucky asked stood to the side, hands in his pockets.

"I guess not." You sighed and Steve kissed the top of your head. "I have no one left."

"You have all of us." Steve said, giving you a little squeeze.

"Until the end of the line" Bucky smiled, walking over to the two of you.

You took Buckys hands and smiled. You may not have your blood family, but that's not what makes a family.

Bucky was the big brother you always wanted. Sam and Natasha were your two loser friends. Clint, the fun uncle who would get you into trouble but you knew would always protect you. Bruce, the sensible uncle who still made sure you we're safe and protected you. Tony and Pepper may as well be your parents.

And Steve? He was your strength. Your feelings  for him was the only thing you had been certain on since meeting everyone. You questioned your feelings for Bucky everyday; why did you feel like this? Were these memories even yours!? But you knew your feelings for Steve were your own. You were in charge for once.

"What now?" Bucky asked, breaking the silence and snapping you out of your thoughts; a place you spent a lot of time these days.

"Now we search for the new facility. They're not getting away that easy." You smiled at the boys.

Steve moved away from you, keeping one arm around your shoulder, and stood to the side, looking between you and Bucky, "So, where do we start?"

Fight For You - Avengers POVWhere stories live. Discover now