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Natasha joined you in your room to get ready for the party Tony had planned. Natasha styled your hair and helped apply your make up as you had no clue on what was "in" right now; you used to put on blue eyeshadow and lip gloss, but apparently that wasn't a good look any more. You slipped on your new dress, which made you slightly uncomfortable.

"I'm showing way too much skin." You tried to pull your dress down further than your thigh, trying to cover up some scars that were visible.

"No, you're not. Now we've actually fed you up, you've got a smoking body and you need to show it off." Natasha winked and checked her phone that pinged on the side.

You weren't convinced as you still felt like the 16 year old you sort of remember. Your mother would have killed you if you ever wore something like this out. You tried to picture your parents but no face was coming up, you couldn't even figure out if they were brunette or blonde. Every memory was like a broken piece of it; some clear and others blurry. But you could feel that it wasn't the complete picture.

"Everything's ready." She placed her phone back in to her bag. "They're just waiting for the girl of the hour." Natasha smiled, taking your hands and squeezing slightly.

"Now or never." You smiled back and left your room.

The walk to the compound bar was long, well it felt it. Your heels clicked on the tiles next to Natashas and every so often you had to pull your dress down as it slipped up. You got to the doors, your heart pounding with fear.

"You OK?" Natasha asked concerned, she could see it written all over your face.

"Before you guys, the biggest crowd I can remember around me was three. So no matter how many people are behind this door, it's going to be more. And that's terrifying."

"You're going to be fine. I promise. If not, give me a wink. I'll come save you." You smiled at each other before she opened the door.

Natasha held it open for you and the thump of bass from the room echoed round. You took a couple of steps and stood in the doorway. You didn't want to look up incase you got too scared to wouldn't go down the stairs. You held onto the bannister and focused on your steps down the staircase.

You could feel eyes on you and curiosity took hold of you, lifting your head up to see Rogers stood at the bottom smiling up to you.

When you reached him, he took your hand to help you down the final two, "happy birthday." He smiled, pulling you in gently for a hug.

"Thank you." You looked him up and down in his dark jeans and shirt. A shirt that was badly holding on to the buttons. "You look very handsome, Captain."

He smirked and looked you up and down, "and you look beautiful."

"There you are!" Came the familiar voice of Bucky Barnes.

You turned your head to see him with a huge smile and four glasses of champagne in hand, "happy birthday, take one pass it around."

Rogers took one and passed it to you, your fingers gently grazing his as you took the glass. Bucky then gave one to Natasha and Rogers took his. "To Y/N! I am so glad you face planted that road in front of me because I couldn't imagine you not being here."

Fight For You - Avengers POVWhere stories live. Discover now