Cold Hands with Broken Feelings (Rebecca x Gordon)

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It was night time on the island of Sodor. A blanket of snow covered the ground as sharp wind blew around causing a mess as it danced in sky with the snowflakes above. Engines and people alike we're at home or in they're sheds keeping each other warm as a cold storm blew in.

Rebecca was setting down next to one of the benches at the nearby park as it softly snowed. She had just left a party that some other engine's had originized. There was drinks and food there but she had decided that maybe partying tonight wouldn't fit her mood. She wasn't sure if any one was aware she had left though apart of her was rather happy at the thought of no one noticing her disappearance.

She wasn't dressed warmly the only thing she had on was her usual work clothes, if you want to call them that, and her work helmet which had a lamp at the front of it. Even her normal clothes couldn't fight off the coldness of the wind as it harshly blew by her figure.

Thoughts clouded her mind more and more. She was well aware that some visitors and kids alike didn't like her at all. She always heard it either in the stations or in the coaches.

"Why did the get an engine like her?"

"I heard she tried to replace some other engines"

"Waste of money if you ask me"

"Why don't they throw her out already?"

Her fingers tapped around the edges of her helment before firmly grabbing it and pulling her head down low as she softly cried to herself. She knew she wasn't the only one dealing with these thoughts. Nia had recently came to her for help but the only thing they both could do was comfort one another from those thoughts for that time being.

She felt her skin grow cold from the wind as she let her hands fall down to her legs. "I-i should really get back home....." She thought. Though apart of her wanted to stay there and freeze to death, somthing told her otherwise as she approached her engine glancing back up at the night sky before returning to her engine form and softly puffing away from the scene.

(At the Party)

Gordon was leaning agenst a wall watching other's get drunk and play games while he decided to stay sober for this party. He noticed Rebecca step outside while he was speaking with the other's. he figured she had to take a breather from all the god awful smells in the house. He started to worrie about her, seeing that she hadn't returned he decided to text her to see where she had gone to.

Gordon:"hey uh.... Are you alright? I noticed you stepped outside and you haven't came back in awhile so i was just checking to see if you we're alright...."

Once he sent the message he hoped that she would read it but next to her profile it said that the last time she was active was 3 hours ago which was when they all had left to get here. He heavily sighed, she left 30 minutes ago so something had to happen to her he thought as he grabbed his jacket from the hanger next to the door as he left.

As he puffed along the lines he tried to thing of any place she could've gone. He started to head towards the park hoping to see her there considering that her and Nia liked to visit here during the winter to see the frozen lake alot.

He slowed to a stop as he glanced around the area hoping to see her but if her engine wasn't here he knew she wasn't here. Just as he was about to leave he spotted her helmet setting on the bench with a small bit of snow on it. He quickly took on his human form as he raced over to the bench gently picking up the rocky blue coated helmet.

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