Hot Coffee With Sweet Engine's (Arthur x Murdoch)

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Arthur was on his way to the Coffee shop that was in town, after working all day in his Engine form he felt exhausted. He figured that a small sweet tea to go would help before going back to work in a couple of hour's. He was hoping to meet Murdoch at the Coffee shop so he could talk to him about his day and hopfully get to go back to the sheds with him that night.

He opened the door to the Cafe and surprisingly not many people was there. He proceed to walk over to the cashier and order a tea to go as he sat down at a table near a some what large window with the coffee shops logo painted onto it. Arthur knew that he didn't or any of the other engine's didn't have to eat or drink but ever since they could turn human and go back and fourth between forms he recently enjoyed drinking tea his favorite was the one with honey in it but sadly he could never remember the brands name but he always knew where to get it at.

He saw a fimilar person wearing an Orange and darkish grey jacket that looked similar to Murdoch's jacket while he took a drink of his tea. He glanced over to the cashier and saw that it was indeed Murdoch. He felt his face slowly heat up, they had been dating for a small bit now and surprisingly every one on Sodor now forgave Arthur and let him have a second chance heck even Connor, Thomas, and Ryan forgave him thought Arthur thought otherwise.

He knew what he had done and of course he worked for forgiveness for some engines but even when he was forgiven he still felt like he didn't deserve it especially now that he knows how Murdoch sees him. Murdoch once told him "that every one makes mistakes and depending on who the person is and how much damage you've done to them they'll either forgive you or hate you until they've healed and maybe then they'll forgive you" Arthur knew that he had hurt Ryan in his last relationship and decided to let Ryan heal before ever speaking to him.

Though It took 3 to 4 whole months until Arthur was forgiven by Ryan. Though the other engine he was seeing while he was dating Ryan was Molly but he was more gentle with there relationship until it came down to the point we're Molly and Arthur both agreed that even if they did try they couldn't see each other more then friends so decided to just stay as that......."Friends".

The thought of her saying that stuck in his head for a moment until he finally realised that Murdoch has taken a seat infront of him looking out the window. Arthur felt his heart skip a beat until he spoke up "ahah.......sorry i was thinking for a moment there....." Arthur said looking back down at the cup of tea he held in between his hands.

"That's alright...... You've been working all day so you need a moment to think to yourself....." Murdoch said as he took a sip of his Cortado. Murdoch was always understanding and patient. He never pushed people to there breaking point nor did he try to. He always knew when to step in and when his assistances wasn't needed.

Arthur always questioned why Murdoch could always see the best in people even when they was at they're worst. Arthur glanced back up at Murdoch as he placed his cup down before speaking once more.

"So... How's you're day been?...." Arthur asked as Murdoch softly smiled at him. "Good.... Mostly heavy work but nothing to heavy......and yours?" Murdoch asked in his usual soft voice. "Aha.... Good.... Just the usual work that tires you out at the end of the day ...." Arthur said glancing away for a moment.

"Good good...." Murdoch said as he lifted the cup up to take another sip of his drink. "Curious.... Do you have any more work after this?" Arthur asked before Murdoch placed the cup down. Murdoch glanced at the clock reading the time before answering him. "Hmm.....No not until tomorrow morning why?....." Murdoch asked as he looked back over at Arthur. "Oh just wondering if you'd like to take a walk down the street or just walk home after this....."

Murdoch thought for a moment as he glanced away. Mean while Arthur was some what love struck hoping they'd get to lay down and watch a movie together cuddling and much more if possible. Murdoch then looked back over at Arthur "sure we can walk home and spend the rest of the day at home if you'd like" he said softly smiling blushing a little. "That'd be nice" Arthur said as he lightly blushed.

They soon got there drinks and left the coffee shop both holding hands as Arthur leaned onto Murdochs arm walking home, Murdoch couldn't help but to slowly stop walking as he softly placed a kiss on Arthurs cheek. Arthur blushed as Murdoch chuckled at his reaction, and with that they continued to walk home hand in hand.

(Aaaaaaaaaa im so sorry this is so short but i couldn't think of anything else to add to story but enjoy this little snippet and thank you xXsxturnxX so much for this suggestion as of right now suggestions are closed but i hope you enjoyed this little story it would've been longer but i had no more idea's for it but thanks for reading and like always i hope you have a Good Day/ Night!!)

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