Late night Cruse (James x Edward)

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Edward had earned himself a free day so he could rest at Tidmouth Sheds after  hauling so many things yesterday he was ready for a long nap until James rolled in laughing louder then Spencer's whistle.
He groaned in annoyance hoping that he could've had the whole shed to himself for part of the day.

"Could you keep it down over there?" Edward asked narrowing his eyes at James as he finally stopped laughing. I'm sorry did I wake you?" James chuckled. Edward sighed "yes you did James..." he said seeming more tired then what he originally was before.

James noticed how tired he was "right.....uhmm..... sorry about that.." James said as he looked down at his buffers. Edward softly smiled at him "thank you...." he said as he closed his eyes to rest. James couldn't help but to return the smile as a blush painted his cheeks. "Love you... and good night..." James said as he looked back over at Edward. "Hmmm..... love you too and good night" Edward hummed as his eye lid's was still shut.

James,later on that after noon, drifted off to sleep with the others as the night fell over Tidmouths. James woke up later that night unable to go back to sleep as he looked around to see if any one else was up and decided to take that opportunity to take Edward out on a late night cruise. James slowly puffed onto the turn table as it slowly creeked and groaned as it started to turn towards Edwards shed. James then got about 3 feet from Edward before whispering "Eddie are you up?"

Eward softly groaned as his eyes slowly started to open to see the red engine in front of him. "What is it James?..." Edward softly spoke as to not wake the others. "Do you wanna go on a little trip around the island before sun rise?" James asked as he smiled brightly. Edward though long and hard before looking back at James and softly smiling.

"Sure why not..." 
"Great!" James softly spoke as he backed up onto the turn table.

It wasn't long until they passed almost every land mark on the island. James knew that Edward liked going out at night when he could. He couldn't quit put it to words but some thing about the night fascinated him and a few other engines on the island. James blushed as he glanced at Edward before they slowly came to a stop near the bridge that lead to the main land.

"Edward you know I love you right?"

Edward chuckled softly "I know"

"Do you wanna do this again some time? When the both of us don't have to work?" James asked as the both of them looked at each other in silence as the water bashed agenst rocks under the bridge and the crickets sang under the moonlight. Edward blushed "yes I would like that James" he said as he smiled. Edward noticed the beautiful moonlight shine off of James red paint work.

"James you look mighty lovely under the moon light with your paint work" Edward complemented him. "I'd say the same thing to you though out of all honesty the moon light looks more beautiful on your paint work then mine ever could" James said leaning closer to him. Edward chuckled "thank you James"

They spent a few more hours at the bridge before deciding that it was time to go back to Tidmouths before the others woke up. They softly chuffed back to Tidmouths as moon and stars shined brightly above the two lovers.

(I originally wrote this down in one of my note books and forgot about it until now but it was really short so i wrote the rest on my ipad before fixing and correcting a few paragraphs so it wouldn't be so short but yeah im starting to get my motivation for animation and writing back *since I've been lacking on my animations for a month and a half* but now i hope I'll be able to post more often if not on this book then maybe some other's PLUS im nearly done with my crack ships so when they're done I'll be able to re open suggestions again!! Not to mention but ever since i watched thomas and the magical rail road some of the engines voices kinda suited them so I've been trying to reanimated some movie clips fron different movies *that's kinda a big project I've been working on so i look forward to finish that* but yeah and like always i hope you all Have a Good Day/ Night!!)

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