Warm Hearts (Tamika x Shane)

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It was a hot summers day in the outback of Australia. Visitors and tourist alike were looking for shade rather then any sort of entertainment outside as they much rather preferred to stay indoors for this hot day. Very few people besides the rangers and station men was seen outside under the hot sun.

Workmen as well as station masters warned that if the weather got anymore intense that there would be a possibly that they would have to shut down the line for the day until the heat backed off. Sitting in the middle of a sandy dirt ground with little to no shade or buildings that wasn't in town proved to be giving the railway a hard time.

Shane was already somewhat awake sitting at one of the nearby stations with Aubrey and Aiden,the two clearly wide awake, complaining about the heat. "Its hotter then a oven out here today ey Shane?" Aiden asked with a smirk. 

Shane didn't answer back "Shane?" Aubrey asked slightly leaning to the left. "Huh? Oh yeah.." Shane yawned. "Did you stay up all night again Shane?" Aubrey asked with a grin on her face. "Maybe he couldn't sleep because he was afraid a scorpion would crawl into his cab again!" Aiden laughed. 

"Knock it off you two! And I slept fine, thank you" Shane snapped at the two. "Then how come you seemed so tired this morning?" Aubrey asked. "Okay I'll admit it i couldn't sleep too well last night because of the heat but I'm fine now i swear" He answered trying to assure the two. 

The two knew he wasn't good at lying but ignored it just this once. "If you say so…." Aiden answered as very few passenger's climbed on board as the station master blew his whistle as Shane slowly puffed away to the next station. "Man, not many people wanted to travel today.." Aiden mentioned.

"You know you're right we've barely had any passengers and this is the first stop of the day!" Aubrey chirped. "This is just the first trip of the day you two! I'm sure they'll be more passenger at the next station" Shane said with slight reassurance to the two. 

"And if there isn't?" Aiden asked. "We'll then will have to keep trying!" Shane said before picking up speed along the rails. "All though i do hope Tamika is having better luck then we are this morning…" Shane softly mumbled to himself as they continued on to they're next stop. 

Down at the rainforest Tamika was assisting Ranger Jill with a group of passenger's giving them a small tour of the forest as well as showing them the wildlife along the way. Thanks to working in a forest there was a lot of shade including greenery as well as a good breeze from the fall water followed by all the trees giving them shade from the hot sun above. 

Tamika was currently sitting at the end of the bridge with her two green coaches watching ranger Jill show some visitor's a small kookaburra. "There are many here in the rain forest but this one is are little travel buddy" Jill mentioned lightly lifting her arm the bird was sitting on. 

"The reason he's special is because we once had to save him from a chip bag" Jill joked getting a good laugh out of the tourist. "But seriously folks if you ever go camping please don't leave any trash laying around that animals could get into" 

"As well as campfires" Tamika mentioned. "Yes! Please always remember to double check that your campfires are fully out before leaving, we already had one forest fire because of one i don't think we'd like to have another" Jill chuckled as the kookaburra on her arm flew away. 

"Alright i believe that's all for today folks thank you all for joining us in are little wildlife tour!" Jill waved at the tourist as they all boarded Tamikas coaches. "Speaking of finished tours for the day now that we're done early i need to head down to the same station you'll be taking them, you don't mind if i ride along do you Tamika?" Jill asked turning towards her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2021 ⏰

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