Needy Love (Rosie x Emily)

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It was a sunny morning on the island of Sodor. The soft wind made the trees and flowers dance as the clouds softly drifted by in the sky. It was on this day that the island's fair would be visiting the island. Engines and people alike were excited to see the colorful lights, attractions, music and more for an afternoon full of fun. Not many engines were awake at this time as some had just returned from taking night trains as others were already up getting the day started. 

Rosie was already up and setting down at Vicarstown station waiting for her crew to unload some trucks filled with hay bales and chicken feed for the local shops in town. While waiting she watched other bigger engine’s she wasn’t familiar with, pass by with coaches or other things through the station. It wasn’t until a low sounding whistle caught her attention as they approached from beside her. “Well howdy there Rosie!” a dark blue engine said. “Hello Hank!” Rosie chirped. “Say are you going to visit the fair this week? I heard it is supposed to open up tonight!” Hank mentioned. “I think so are you going to help them get it ready for tonight?” Rosie asked. 

“Yep! Me and Emily are in charge of taking the parts down to the grounds to get it all set up!” Hank said, glancing back at the flatbeds he was caring that was covered up with bright colorful tarps. Rosie felt her cheeks flush red, for the longest time she had a massive crush on Emily but was to afraid to tell anyone but Hank in fear that they wouldn’t support her. “Don’t worry Rosie i'm sure you two will have a blast tonight!” Hank whispered so no other engine could hear. “Are you sure?” she worriedly asked. 

“Positive!” Hank engorged as he softly smiled at the small cherry red engine next to him. Rosie smiled up at him. “Thanks, I'll see if I can stop by later tonight or afternoon once I'm done with my jobs which, hopefully, won’t take long” she said. “Well good luck!” Hank encouraged as Rosie whistled before leaving the station to attend her other jobs. Along the way she tried her best to recall her scheduled jobs for the day. She already delivered the trucks to Vicarstown now all she needed to do was pick up some trucks full of scrap and deliver them to the Scrap yard for Reg. 

It wasn’t until later did Rosie make her way back down to Knaford sheds to rest did she pass by Emily at the station getting ready to take some crew members down to the fair grounds. She quickly slowed to a stop next to her. “Hello Emily!” Rosie chirped. “Oh hello Rosie! Im just taking some work men down to the fair grounds to get everything set up for tonight what are you doing?” Emily asked. “Oh you know just the usual shunting trucks and delivering them...heh..” Rosie answered. “Well i hope you get time to visit the fair tonight, i'm supposed to stay down there until it closes, i’ve been working with Hank as fair as getting everything set up on time” Emily chuckled.

“Ill try” Rosie giggled as the station master blew his whistle as Emily whistled before leaving the station. Rosie still had a few hours until she could go to the fair so she took that time to rest as she backed into one of the sheds before slowly dozing off as she finally fell asleep. When she woke up she awoke to the sounds of a soft bell ringing in the distance growing closer as her vision was blurred from just waking up. 

All she could see for a split second was a big dark blue blob of color growing closer to the shed. “Rosie wake up!” a familiar voice called out as the ringing bell finally stopped. “Hank..? what are you doing here?” Rosie yawned. “Coming to wake you up before you miss your chance with Emily of course!” Hank said as he slowed to a stop just a few feet away from the shed. Rosie gasped, she almost slept in! “Im not to late am i?!” she asked. “Not yet but you will be if you don’t hurry!” Hank chuckled as he switched tracks backing up so she could leave. “Then we better hurry!” she chirped. “Indeed!” Hank whistled as the two left heading towards the fair grounds. 

Music of every kind was blasting through old speakers, as lights brighter then a light house lit the old working attractions as kids and people alike ran around having nothing but fun. “Okay if you need me i’ll be on the other side of the fair grounds watching from afar okay?” Hank mentioned. Rosie nodded as Hank puffed away. Rosie felt her wheels wobble as she slowly stopped next to Emily. “Oh Hello Rosie! Isn’t this fun? getting to see all these wonderful attractions!” Emily exclaimed. “It is, especially with the colorful lights!” Rosie mentioned as the two looked over at the busy grounds with kids occasionally running around. 

It quickly fell silent between the two as the sounds of music echoed through the woods. Rosie felt awkward in the moment as she looked over at Hank for help who motioned for her to make a move. “So uhm.. Emily i’ve been meaning to ask now...uhm…” Rosie trailed off unsure if now was a good time to ask. “Oh what is it?” Emily asked causing Rosie to look away. “It’s nothing just a silly question that’s all!” Rosie quickly said as Emily raised an eye at her before shrugging it off. “So where are you going after this?” Emily asked. “Uhm.. probably back to Vicarstown sheds for the rest of the night.. And you?” Rosie asked.

“If you don’t mind i honestly thought about going to stay at Vicarstown sheds for the night, i honestly can’t hardly sleep at Tidmouth with Thomas and Percy talking all night” She half heartedly chuckled. Rosie awkwardly chuckled too “sure i don’t mind but...before you do..i wanted to ask you something..” Rosie said her face slowly growing red. “Sure what is it?” Emily asked not noticing Rosies face growing more red by the minute. 

“Will you go out with me?” Rosie mumbled in hopes Emily heard her as she looked away her face as red as her own paint work. Emily was taken aback by Rosies words as her cheeks flushed red. “Of course Rosie… if anything that’s pretty much the reason why i asked if i could stay down at Vicarstown sheds with you so i could ask but it seems that you beat me to it” Emily giggled as Rosie softly smiled at her. “Really?” Rosie asked as Emily nodded. Rosie was so happy she felt like she could run around the whole island and back. 

In response Rosie softly leaned on Emily like a hug. “I know we just started dating but i love you so much” Rosie said as Emily giggled. “Oh Rosie this is why i love you so much” she giggled some more as she let Rosie rest on her for a bit longer. On the other side of the fair grounds smiled Hank, he was very much happy to help and support the twos now known relationship. The two spent the remainder of the night at the fair ground before leaving to head back to Vicarstown sheds spending the rest of the night with one another’s company. 

(This feels so rushed and i apologize if it is however im happy i was able to get it done within 2 days instead of taking 3 months to finish one little thing like i used to 😅 I've been trying to pump some out before summer and to make up for lost time since i neglected to post little to nothing on here but like always have a Good day/ Night!!)

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