Cloudy Days (Nia x Thomas)

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It was a cloudy afternoon on the island of Sodor as the harsh wind knocked over trees on both the roads and railroad tracks. People and engine's alike we're rushing to get things done before the weather got even worse. Coaches and buses alike we're almost too crowded to go anywhere. 

Thomas was on his branchline hurrying to get done as the tracks got more slippery by the second. "Thomas please slow down, you're going to cause an Accident!!" Annie begged. "Sir Topham Hatt already told you to be careful before you left Elsbridge now please Thomas Slow Down!" Clarabel demanded in a rather harsh tone of voice towards the small blue engine. 

"You don't understand Clarabel! I'm trying to help so if i go fast enough the stations won't be as crowded!" Thomas argued as the station came into view as he slowed down before applying his breaks as he puffed into Ffarquhar Station. "Thomas, you are helping! You don't need to go fast to help when the 3 of us alone are already helping!" Annie told Thomas as he looked down at his buffers in shame.

"I'm sorry for scaring you both but i thought if i go fast enough i could help the people at the station get home faster…" Thomas softly said as the soft rain started to get harder as it pounded onto his boiler. "Maybe this weather won't ease up after all…" Clarabel softly said glancing up at the dark sky. 

Meanwhile Nia was down at Crosby filling the coal hopper back up with coal. She was assigned to fill any empty or half empty coal hopper near Knapford. She softly sighed as her driver quickly took notice. "What's on your mind?" Her driver asked. "Oh it's nothing… just worried about this storm, that's all" she spoke looking up at the dark clouds.

"Don't worry about it after this we'll go back to Tidmouths and stay there, that's what most of the engines are doing anyway to stay safe from this storm..." her driver assured her with a soft pat on her running board. "I think it would be best if we did…" She softly said as her driver climbed back into her cab as the two slowly left the coal hopper.

Along the way Nia was fast approaching a bus crossing that was open on her side or so she thought. A little red car started to approach from the crossing as the gates closed on Nias side. Nia gasped in fear as she whistled as loud as she could breaking hard. 

"LOOK OUT!" She warned as the little red car tried to quickly get out of the way but it was too late. Nia smashed through the wooden gates as they crumbled like paper under her wheels derailing her as her right buffer smacked the back of the little car as the car spun around in a full circle before softly slamming into some bushes next to a tree. 

Nia sighed softly wheeshing a little steam. "Oh no…" she softly said. "Oh my are you alright!?" She heard a soft female voice say as she quickly looked around to see who had spoken. "Who's there?.." She softly asked before noticing that the little red car had a face!. "Oh gosh I'm sorry for the mess I've caused Im so very sorry…" the little red car apologize looking down at they're wheels. 

"Its not you're fault besides i was going to fast anyway…." Nia softly said looking away. "Oh it's not you're fault we was just both in a hurry to get some where...Since it seems like we're going to be here for awhile we might as well get to know each other! My names Caroline, and yours?" She asked. "My names Nia, its nice to meet you Caroline!" Nia chirped. 

Caroline softly giggled. "Its nice to meet you too! Say are you a new engine here? I've been on this island for awhile alot of us old vehicles and locomotives have but we had to go to the mainland for a long time to help out there… but now we get to come back!" Caroline informed her. "Well that's good i'm sure you've missed being here" Nia softly smiled at her as Nias driver approached her.

"Thomas should be coming with a breakdown crane as we speak so no need to worry about anything but are you alright?" her driver asked her. "Im okay i think… just shaken up that's all…" she softly smiled as her driver nodded. Just then Thomas puffed around the corner in front of her on the other track with Judy and Jerome. 

"Oh no are you alright Nia?!" Thomas asked looking her up and down for any bad injuries. Nia softly chuckled "i think im okay but it's Caroline you need to worry about…" Nia said as they all looked over at Caroline. 

"Oh dear im afraid we can't help her…" Judy softly said. "You'll need to get Butch to help her I'm afraid" Jerome said looking over at Carolines driver who was currently speaking with Thomas driver. 

It wasn't long until Butch arrived to pull Caroline out of the bushes and back to the Search and Rescue to repair her, while Judy and Jerome gently sat Nia down on they're loading bed as Thomas puffed away with the 3 towards the steam works. Once they arrived Judy and Jerome had to set Nia back on a siding. 

"Thank you so much for helping me" Nia said. "Oh it was nothing really" Thomas softly blushed looking away. "If you'd like I'll stay here with you for a bit just let me go drop off these two and I'll be right back!" Thomas said before quickly puffing away. Nia giggled "oh Silly Thomas" she softly blushed. 

Once Thomas had returned back to the Steam works it was almost night time. "Thomas you should've went back to Tidmouths to sleep.." Nia told him. Thomas nodded "No,i want to make sure you're okay, even if it means i have to lose sleep" Thomas softly smiled at her.

Nia was taken aback not sure what to say. She had never had an engine like Thomas before ever care so much about her. "You really care for me that much?..." She softly asked. "Yes Nia i care so much about you that… if i ever lost you… i'm not sure what I'd do without you… what i'm trying to say is that…. I love you Nia…. Alot…" Thomas said looking up at her as both they're cheeks was a dark shade of red. 

Nia felt a few tears roll down her face as it softly started to rain outside. Thomas softly buffered up to her. "Thomas i… I've never had someone love me as much as you do…" she softly cried. "Well now you do, and no matter what Nia i will always remind you day after day how much you are loved…" Thomas assured her as he softly nuzzled her. 

The two stayed nuzzled up to one another for the rest of the night keeping each other warm as the soft rain continued to softly tap on the window pans above the two lovers as they slowly drifted off to sleep waiting for the morning to come. 

(Im so sorry if this seems short and im sorry for the long wait, motivation hasn't been on my side and I've been trying so hard to try to make the story seem more lovey dovey and not long yet also make it seem interesting af rather then boring as hell but hopefully the next few will be exactly like that if not then uh- idk 😂 but again im so sorry for the long wait and like always have a Good Day/ Night!!)

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