Copy Cat Love (Gordon x Rebecca)

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It was a warm morning on the island of Sodor, word had gotten around that a new particular engine would be arriving on the island that morning and Sir Topham Hatt wanted the Steam Team to meet up in the yards that morning to meet them. 

The steam team was already down at Knapford's shunting Yards patiently waiting for the new engine to arrive. Some of them were still tired from late night work, Percy being one of them. Thomas quickly took notice of this as he softly chuckled at him. "Percy wake up you don't wanna be asleep when they arrive, '' Thomas encouraged as Percy yawned.

"I know, i know Thomas.." Percy mumbled as Thomas continued to giggle at him. "I hope they're nice" Toby softly smiled. "I'm sure they will be," Emily encouraged. "If it is another Express engine then I'm going to have a firm talk with them," Gordon grumbled. "Even if they are you're going to be nice to them" Edward told Gordon as he huffed rolling his eyes. 

"Now ,now everyone I know you all have many questions but please save them for when they arrive…" Sir Topham Hatt said as he approached the engine's before glancing towards the main track, as the sound of an engine fast approaching, was heard not far in the distance followed by a soft whistle.

A long engine with a hood painted a blue green and the body being a mixture of yellow, orange and semi dark red approached the bunch with a soft but shy smile. "Everyone this is Rebecca, she is a Dapol N Gauge Bulleid Light Pacific 4-6-2, and she'll be working with us as a part of the steam team!" Sir Topham Hatt announced as the others greeted her. 

"Hello everyone!" Rebecca cheerfully yet shyly said. "Hello Rebecca! It's lovely to have you here" Edward greeted. Nia gasped "are you streamlined? By chance?" She asked. "Uhm.. I think so" Rebecca chuckled awkwardly. "Wow! You must be really fast then!" Emily commented. "I guess so, I'm not really sure myself!" Rebecca softly laughed. 

"It was nice meeting you Rebecca but i'm afraid we must be attending are own jobs for the day but you'll be staying with us at Tidmouth's later tonight so we'll see you soon!" Thomas chuckled as the other's said they're goodbyes before leaving. All except one blue tender engine who was eyeing her rather harshly. 

"A Dapol N Gauge Bulleid, Pacific?!" Gordon boomed. Rebecca backed up a little. "U-uhm yes… That's… me.. Well my class ,that is.." She awkwardly said. "I can't believe they brought in a copycat! A COPYCAT!" He fummed as he stormed out of the yards right past her. Rebecca was rather confused about what had just happened yet scared as well. "But.. I'm not a copycat…. Am i?.." She softly asked herself as she left to go find Sir Topham Hatt. 

The day had gone rather fine for her, nothing really special except for a couple of small deliveries that morning after that she stayed at Tidmouth's the rest of the afternoon seeing how there weren't any other jobs to do. Her mind kept wondering what Gordon had said and why he said it. "Hey Percy.." Rebecca asked the small green engine in the shed next to her. 

"Am i.. A copycat?..." She asked. Percy was rather confused. "No? I don't think so… why do you ask?..." Percy asked her. "Well it's just that… not naming names but… an engine told me that i was a copycat to them today…" She softly said, looking over at the little engine. Percy nodded his head. "They probably just had a rough day but to me you're not a copycat you're a good friend though we just met.." Percy softly mumbled the last part causing Rebecca to softly laugh.

"Thank you Percy i'm glad you think of me that way…" she giggled some more. Just then Gordon puffed onto the turntable rather tired as he backed into his shed causing the two to go quiet rather quickly. “Don’t worry about him Rebecca , he's always grumpy” Percy whispered to her. “So he’s always like this?” Rebecca whispered back. “Not all the time but he’s usually like this after taking the express” Percy said.

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