A Fire engine and a Diesel?! (Belle x Diesel)

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Some may say that love can take you any where as long as you're dedicated to keeping a strong relationship. Some on the island of Sodor say that it may be crazy for a Diesel to date a Steamy let alone a Steamy who's big, strong, caring, and fights fire's like there's no tomorrow.

Some of the Diesels hated some of the Steamies while on the other hand most of the Steamies didn't hate the Diesels at all. Alot of the Steamies made friends with most of the Diesels but Diesel himself didn't really think he was friends with any of the Steamies on Sodor. Though one day he'd be suprised of how many Steam Engine friends he actually has.

The Morning Sun arose from the mountain's it was a usual day for some of the engine's while on the other hand some engine was grumpy about having to work all that morning.

Diesel was already up and at the shunting yards to try and get done shunting early so he could have half of the day to himself but this caused a few issues for some of the other engine's that always worked at the shunting yard. "Careful with that truck Diesel! You're gonna tip it over if you push it too hard!" Stanley said as Diesel shoved another Truck down the siding with the rest.

"Trust me Stanley that old Truck won't tip over watch me" Diesel backed up and eyed the truck in front of him before going forward as fast as he could before slamming into it causing it to go off the rails and smashing into the Shed that was used for storage as it collapsed in causing heavy amounts of dust to spread every where.

Both Stanley and Diesel coughed as the dust cleared to show what used to be a old shed was now a pile of old pine wood. Stanley look over at Diesel now irritated at him.

"I warned you Diesel now look at what you've done!....Just be lucky that it didn't catch on fire"

"Why should we be worried about it catching on Fire? Flynn can put out the fire in no time"

"Well haven't you heard? Some one was camping over near Misty Islands tunnel and they didn't watch the fire like they was suppost to so it started a forest fire, Flynn,Belle and even Harold have barely gotten any sleep because of it!!" Stanely said as he backed away to go get an empty truck to put the wood in.

Diesel didn't even hear about the news and usually news gets around pretty quick on the island. Diesel followed Stanley as the both of them collected the empty cars. "When did this happen?" Diesel asked as he was being cuppled up to the trucks. "Just the day before yesterday why?" Stanely asked as he and Diesel puffed back over to the fallen Shed.

"Well I didn't hear anything about this so i just wondered why no one talked about it like usual...." Diesel said as a few work men started to pick up the pieces of wood and load them into the trucks.

"Who knows maybe it wasn't that interesting to other's?" Stanley said glancing over at Diesel who seemed taken aback by what he had said.

"Not that interesting?! They've worked they're wheels off to keep us from having to leave the island! If it wasn't for the Search and Rescue then the Island would be up in flames right now!!" Diesel spat at Stanley who was suprised by how worked up Diesel was about the conversation.

"Geeze i didn't know that you cared that much about the Search and Rescue Diesel" Stanley commented

Diesel blushed a small bit "I don't! Is just that if it wasn't for them being on the island then we would be having alot more issues then we could handle..." He said before a workmen approached him from the right.

"Your all done for today Diesel, Stanley i need you to take a few more trucks down to the dump yards Whiff needs them"

"Again? This is the 2nd time today he needs more cars...." Stanley said as he seemed some what worried.

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