Chapter • 15 | Paying The Price

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*A Little Later*

As we all showed up to Tara's house and knocked on the door, she quickly answered it and smiled because she was happy to see us...

Tara: "Oh my god! It's been way too long!"

We all slightly smiled as she stepped out and hugged each of us...

Tara: "How've you all been?"
Colby: "I-I've been a bit worried lately..."
Kat: "Kinda fustrated."
Sam: "Been trying to keep it together.."
Mike: "Done with everything."
Audrie: "Could care less honestly!"

Her mood dropped a little as she noticed none of us were really happy...

Tara: "Well, it seems like there's something wrong. Why don't you all come in, I'll make some tea and we'll see if I can help?"

We all nodded, followed her inside and as she left to make tea, some of us sat on the couch while others liked around her living room. Tara was an old friend of the group's and by "old" I mean she's been around us and in our lives for a very long time. Rumor has it she's just as old us some of us maybe even older but keeps a spell on herself to make her look as young as we do.

One thing you should know about Tara is that she'll do anything and everything she possibly can to help any of us in a scary and stressful situation. She won't let anything stop her nor stand in her way and she'll never give up on you which is something we love about her.

She actually use to be a vampire which is how we met her but she fucked around and got into some trouble with a witch (what a coincidence) and they turned her into one of them,  why you might ask? Well I'm not exactly sure but there is a story behind it. Anyways, she owned up to her troubles and paid the price for whatever she did and they forgave her but also gave her the opportunity to turn back into human but she decided to stay a witch, I guess she found love and intrest in it. But when she use to live with us, she use to be what kept each of us together and in place but things changed when she left the house....everything started falling apart.

Any who, she came walking back down the hallway, from the kitchen with a tray in her hands, in which a few cups of tea sat on. She set it on the table as everyone sat down and then she began to ask questions...

Tara: "Shall we begin?"

We each nodded, taking a cup of tea...

Tara: "So, why don't you start by explaining to me what exactly happened, why and how?"

I nodded and started to explain the entire situation, not leaving a single detail out. Tara was the best at what she did and I was very appreciative of her helping me and my friends out, that's for sure.

*Moments later*

As time passed, I had just got done telling her what happened as everyone listened and she seemed suprised...

Tara: "Wow, what a lot to take in but that's okay because I'm gonna help you find her but I'll need a few things before I start."
Colby: "Anything! I'll g-"
Mike: "I'll get for you!"

He starred at me and rolled his eyes...

Mike: "He got my sister into this mess so I'll be the one saving her because douchebag over here has already done enough!"

Things got quiet and I could feel the tension between the two of us, it was so bad that I could cut it with a knife...

Tara: "O-Okay then, I'll need a few things to start. First being a map."
Kat: " On it!"
Tara: "Thanks, next I'll need candle-"
Sam: "Got it!"
Tara: "Good and last I'll need a snippet of someone's blood biologically related to Y/n."
Mike: "That'll be me!"
Tara: "Oh okay and I'll need either a thumb tac or knife to cut Mike's finger."
Colby: "I'll get one."
Tara: "Audrie, Will you help me clear this area?"
Audrie: "Sure *Sarcastically* I have nothing else to do."

As she and Audrie cleared a spot on the floor to do the spell and everyone headed to get the needed supplies, I too ran to the kitchen to get a knife as requested as I then made my way back to the living room, Tara had already set up all that she had asked for and was waiting on me so I handed her the knife and sat back with everyone as she began the spell.

While she began to cut Mike's finger and chant out loud, all I could think about was if Y/n was okay and if she was safe. I have NEVER in my life, worried and cared about someone so much and I think it was because I love with her.

*Moments Later*

A few minutes had passed and I had zoned out thinking about Y/n without even realizing it but as Kat snapped her fingers in my face, I came back to reality.

Kat: "Stop zoning out doofus! She's about to finish this is what you've been waiting for!"

I nodded and took a deep breathe as Tara then quit chanting and wiped her nose which was bleeding...

Tara: "I-I found her..."
Mike: "You did?!"
Colby: "Where?!"

Mike and I looked at eachother in cold silence...

Tara: "S-She's being held the Bree coven!"
Sam: "Wait, what?! How? Colby said Y/n vanished into nothing though?"
Tara: "She only vanished because Cassie did some type of teleportation spell which must have sent her right to the coven. Cassie must have been working with them because why else would she just give up Y/n to th-"
Colby: "...Because Cassie knew I was being hunted, she wanted me to pay the price for killing Shea and she knew that if...the coven knew where I was or how to get me to come to them then...they would have a chance of either killing me or getting what they wanted in the first place...this is all because they want me....they want me to pay the price for what I did."

As it all started hitting me and I had felt guilty, I began walking to the door without saying anything...

Audrie: "Colby? Where are you going?"
Colby: "...To give myself up"
Audrie: "WHAT?! NO!"
Colby: " I CARE!"

I looked mike straigh in the eyes from across the room....

Colby: "...I care because I'm in love with her"

Everything went quite...

Colby: "You guys know how this all works, you know how the coven is...its either her die and suffer for my mistakes or me die and set her free. I can't let her pay the price for me so I'll do it decision is final! I'm going to get her with or without all of you coming along and in support of me!"

Without giving anyone a chance to say anything, I speedran out the door, taking the map with me and going to the exact location it showed where she was, trying to mentally prepare myself for whatever I was about to get into.

Love Bites • Book 1 | A Colby Brock Love Story Where stories live. Discover now