Chapter • 17 | I love you

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*Moments Later*

As we were told the two decisions that suppose to make this easier, we each started yelling at the Bree coven about suggesting to erase Y/n's memory...

Colby: "WHAT?!
Audrie: "I don't really care what happens to her, lets just get this over with.

We each gave Audrie a disgusted look at the fact that even in a life or death situation, she still didnt care...

Colby: "You really have NO heart, do you? But let me guess, if it was you in her'd want me to come running to your rescue. You'd want me to care about you but why is that when EVER there's another girl other than yourself involved in trouble and I try an help, you get jealous and act like a total bitch?!

Things got quiet...

Audrie: "MAYBE it's because you never ONCE thought that I had feelings for you and me seeing you around other girls and wanting to help, makes me wish that was me. But you never asked or seemed to care so what the point in trying?

Before I could even respond to what Audrie had just told me, the coven leaders stopped me...

Jake: "The time is up, you'll need to make a decision now.

I didn't want to die and loose everything I had but I also didn't want Y/n to loose her memory and not remember for I am, what we went through or how much I loved her. But if me dying was enough to show her then I'd do it because I kill myself in a heartbeat for this beautiful girl to live, so my decision was final...

Colby: "I-I'll di-
Y/n: "Loose my memory!

Everyone including me, looked at her as if she was crazy...

Mike: "...W-What did you just say?
Y/n: "I-I'll loose my memory...
Kat: "Y/n?!
Sam: "N-No, we WON'T let you do that! You'll never remember us!
Y/n: "Guys...

The room went quiet...

Y/n: "...I'd rather loose my memory than let...the love of my life die.

I ran closer to her...

Colby: "Y/n...No, I won't let you do this!

*Y/n's POV*

I cupped his cheek...

Y/n: "Colby...I love you. It took me being in this situation and a very long time to realize that, I love you because no matter how many times something bad happened to me, you always came to my rescue. You always found and figured out a way to save me and bring me back safely...and that alone showed me you loved me. But if loving you means that I have to loose my memory rather than let you die, so let it be!

He let out a small laugh...

Colby: "Y-You sound so confident...
Y/n: "Becuase I am, you know why?

I leaned over and whispered in his ear...

Y/n: "Because you'll bring my memory back. You'll find a way, you always do!

I stepped back and smiled as he grabbed my hands and began to panic a little..

Colby: "B-But what if I can't?!
Y/n: "You will, trust me!...I know you will and if you can't, then just try an keep me happy when I'm around you, try an make me remember.

He slowly nodded as I wiped a tear that slipped down his face as Mike walked over...

Mike: "...Y-You really going through with this?

I slowly nodded...

Mike: "But...W-What if you don't remember me?
Y/n: "Make me remember, let me know that you were the best big brother any could ever ask for despite our past, no matter how hard it is to do that! And don't go getting yourself in any trouble or pick fights with any, you hear me?

He slowly nodded as we gave eachother a tight long hug...

Mike: "I love you sis!
Y/n: "I love you too!

Then Sam and Kat came up to me aswell...

Kat: "Even though, we barely knew each other...

She began to tear up...

Kat: "You are like the most nicest, most beautiful and kind hearted girl I have ever freakin met and I'm so glad to have known you and that you've become a part of my life. I'll never forget you, I promise!
Y/n: "Aww Kat!

We too shared a tight long hug as I told her how much I enjoyed her being apart of my life aswell and then it came down to Sam...

Sam: "I gonna freakin miss you even though like Kat said, we barely know eachother I'm still happy I met you! I'll never forget you!
Y/n: "Aww, thank you for being apart of my life! Take care of Kat and yourself for me, okay? Dont hurt her or make mistakes because she is truly something special.

We shared a smile and a tight long hug, but just then I thought that was it...Audrie stepped forward...

Audrie: "Look, I dont wanna get all sad and depressed about you not remembering us and I cant believe I'm about to say this but...I'll miss you and im sorry for all that I put you though...
Y/n: "I-It's okay, I appreciate your apology and accept it. Thank you! I'll miss you too.

We shared a smile and a quick hug as everyone including us, laughed...

Kevin: "...Time is up.
Ariya: "Is your decision final?

I took a deep breathe looked them, my brother and friends then at Colby...

Y/n: "...Yes.

They nodded, gathered around with the entire coven, unlocked my hands which were chained up and began chanting as Colby quickly ran over to me and gave me a long passionate kiss...

Colby: "I love you too!

We shared a smile as I took one last look at everyone and before I knew it things went white and felt peaceful.

Love Bites • Book 1 | A Colby Brock Love Story Where stories live. Discover now