Chapter • 18 | A connection

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*Beeeep*  *Beeeep* *Beeep*

I had woken up in bed to my alarm going off, I quickly reached over and shut it off as I then sat up for a minute with a major headache. After a few minutes of daydreaming and a good morning stretch, I got up, hopped in the shower and began getting dressed for school. Once I was done, I headed down stairs with my bag only to then head out the door and began walking to school.

As I began walking down the street a crow circled around and began to follow me but this crow gave me a weird feeling....almost like it and I had a connection but I couldn't quite point it out. I then just brushed it off and continued walking my way to school as it kept following me which I didn't mind.

*The crow is Colby watching over her. 🖤*

*Moments Later*

I had finally made it to school, began making my way through the crowded hallway and to my locker as I then grabbed my books for class. As I shut my locker and went to turn around, I accidentally bumped into a really cute guy, making all my books drop...

???: " O-Oh my god! I-I'm so sorry! Let me get those for you!"

As we made eye contact, I got a bit nervous as he began to pick my things up because he was so cute! As he then handed then back to me, he looked me in the eyes and smiled...

???: "I-I'm Colby!"
Y/n: "I-I'm Y/n!"
Colby: "Your very beautiful!"

I blushed and smiled...

Y/n: "Thank you! Your very handsome!"
Colby: "Thank you!"

Just talking to him gave me butterflies like no other...

Y/n: "Have we met before?
Colby: "No, I don't think so!

We shared a smile and began to get to know eachother a little more as he walked me to class. It too felt like I also had a connection with Colby but yet, still couldn't make it out. Either way, it was fine because I now knew that Colby was gonna become a part of my life which made me very happy.

*The End*

*I apologize if this chapter was super short and ended weird but I really hope that you all enjoyed this book as much as I did writing it. I REALLY wanna make a second book to this story so if you'd like to see that, please let me know down below. Also, thank you to everyone who took the time out of their day to come read my story, I truly do appreciate it. I love you guys and I'll see you veey soon with a new book*

                                                                                      With love,
                                                                                                          Anna 🦋🖤

Follow me on Instagram @Solbys.Butterflys  for more amazing stories like this 🖤

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2021 ⏰

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