"see! I'm Fine , I'm Sorry!"

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I found this on tumblr were Catherine has separation anxiety (SA for shorter terms) and Cathy's brain sees fair lights and goes *moth brain * and walks off from her.
End in Catherine having a near panic attack.

Autistic Cathy parr (verbal)
Adhd anne
Dyslexic Jane.

The only chataters today no lady in waiting sorry.also I'm sorry but I live  for Catherine and Cathy duo fics because idk okay,

Catherine was waitng at the door for Cathy to finishing putting on her shoes because today was their day to get the shopping done for food and some other stuff along the way.

"done?" Catherine said as Cathy got up
"done!" Cathy said as she opened the door and walked towards the drive way
"which car?" she looked back at ari and she tilted her head towards the red car.
They got in  and were on their way
They started up a conversation and as usual, Cathy starts asking weird questions no one will probably ever answer
"no Cathy, I don't think anyone how's how many feet the universe is" Cathy shrugged and looked out the window.

Once they got their, there was a lot of people but Cathy tried to ignore that part as they passes a lights shop on their way in.
'oh pretty lights, I wonder if they have blue fairy lights?' she thought looking towards the light shop.
But before Cathy could ask Catherine asked her where a certain shop was.
"oh. It's over here I'm pretty sure?" Cathy led her over to the shop when they both noticed a LUSH right beside it, "how about u sit over there so u don't have to be near the lush and ill be out in a minute, k?" Catherine asked. Cathy nodded and went to sit down at one of the benches.
After 10 minutes Cathy got bored and her kind wondered to that light shop. She really REALLY wanted to see the lights but didn't wanna move from her spot incase Catherine came back out.

She decided fuck it and hope she didn't take to long but with her moth brain probably would.

Cathy walked around the shop trying to find a certain place. She found it eventually, fairy lights.
She needed new ones as the ones before blew up. They weren't the best.
She now continues to find the ones she needs.

Catherine's pov sorta

Finally, fuck that took forever.
She thought as ari walked out and went towards where Cathy was last seen. But doesn't see her , confuson sets in, Cathy isn't one to walk off because of the crowd and how it effects her but when Catherine looked around to see if she had just moved as 3 teenagers were sat there.
She couldn't find her.
Panic set in.

'she couldn't just dissappear, right? She wouldnt "she mumbled to herself and severely wanted to believe that.

She started to look around but no where.
She didn't think to look at the light shop as she thought it would be too overwhelming for Cathy as lights arent her strong suit.

She just kept going back and forward until that same panic set in for years and years ago,

Cathys gone.
Tears prick at her eyes.
'grow up cath, she probably walked off somewhere and is around her somewhere "she told herself.
But the panicked breathing still got worse. Her breath quicken and tears treated to fall.
She decided to just quickly go somewhere to calm down.

But on that way Cathy had seen her in her panicked state.
Cathy knew about her separation anxiety but guess she got carried away at the light shops and saw Catherine quickly run out of the shops and away to calm down.

"shit" Catherine shuddered as her back hit the wall and she struggled to breath or calm herself.
She hated this feeling.
'breath breath. Come on you-"
She couldn't she just sat on the ground holding her head, trying to calm down when she felt someone enar her.
"ari! I'm so sorry, are u okay.!" the panic in the voice was Cathy's.
She looked up on her panicked state, Cathy's eyes spelt out guilty all the way.
"breath. See I'm fine. I'm sorry. I'm here.!" Cathy struggled with that, she wasn't the best at comforting people to calm down.

Catherine looked at her and grabbed her hand,

After a bit Catherine was calm and was able to breath properly.
"you okay? I'm sorry. I got distracted by the light shop and I guess I went moth mode and i-" she got stopped by being dragged into a hug.
"km just glad your okay and here" Catherine whispered to her and she still was calming herself.
"how about we go home and leave this to someone else?" Catherine wad about to detest but decided against it. She needed a break
after that.

Everyone had been told and obviously had talked to Catherine about her SA, for once she admitted she had it.
"but why Cathy? Wy only her?" Anna asked in confusion.
Lina looked at her and just said
"she's the only real family I have left" Cathy teared up at that and everyone looked putty towards Catherine as she shrugged.

They eventually got dinner and went to bed but Catherine got stopped by Cathy.
"is it okay if I stay with u tonight after today I. Just ,?" Cathy struggled with explaining what she meant but Catherine got it and nodded. Kissed her forehead and lead her to her room.
Golden and nicely decorated.
Cathy loved seeing her room.
Everything was gorgeous and shiny. Cathy liked shiny.

" goodnight madrina" Cathy whispered to Lina as she snuggled into her side.
Lina liked down at her and said "goodnight mija -" Cathy had already fallen asleep (mostly afye staying awake so long) Catherine finished with "-I love you mija" and kissed the top of her hair and let herself sleep.

Here ya go,
I'm tired
I was floof
Here floof.
C and c floof
Enjoy it
Or I take kneecaps.
Plead people make more c and c content for the love of all broken kneecaps.
I'm so tired.
Ats 6 am for me
I haven't slept

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