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Catalina and Jane have wanted a family. Catalina had been given custody over her goddaughter after her mother died, but one night Jane gets a call one morning.
( catalina and Jane are in their 20s, Cathy is 8, kitty is 5)
Also Cathy is autistic.

"goodmorning love" catalina says while getting up, giving Jane a kiss on the cheek,
"yeah. Yeah" Jane says getting.
They get up while Jane goes to the bathroom, catalina went out of the room and towards Catherines room.
She quietly knocks on the door and opens it "mija? Hey love" she said as Cathy was at the door waiting on her, she got dragged into the room and to Cathy's desk. "I did this"
While Cathy doesnt like talking in front of strangers or in school. She can be very talkative in the house,
"very sweet mija" she says and kisses her forehead, Cathy turns to her and puts her arms up " routine"
Catalina smirks and rolls her eyes,
"yes. But first we have to get Jane, okay?!" she says while walking out. Cathy nods and starts vocal stimming.

Once maud had told catalina catherine was autistic, she had always encouraged Cathy not to mask. Not bothering on how much it annoyed Catherine's mother and father and when she had found out catherine had been coming to live with her and Jane she had been over the moon .

"mamm" Cathy shouts to Jane.
"yes sweetie I'm here!" Jane says while walking outta the bathroom.
Jane walks towards them and kisses catalina. "eew" they break off laughing.

"alright, now u sit here and eat as much as you can alright love?" catalina says setting Cathy done in her chair, Cathy nods and immediately starts eating.

Suddenly Jane's phone rang and while she was talking, her face become more and more worried
She hung up" who was it?" catalina asked looking towards
" do u remember my niece I told you about? Kat? "Jane asked getting up.
Catalina look confused and nodded
" she's just been brought out of her home. And they need us to take care of her. "she said and immediately walked out and started to get dressed,
Catalina did the same and calmed Jane down.

They were walking down when they saw Cathy at the bottom of the stairs," fuck" catalina whispers, she turned to Jane "this is gonna be a huge change of routine for Cathy" she whispered and Jane froze and but still walked down.
Catalina went down near Cathy and bent down
"Cathy love. We have to somewhere and I know you might not be happy about it" Cathys face was confused but let her pick her up anyways and let her be put in the car.

Day after.

Cathy was pissed, kat was completely changing her routine, she needs structure, but becuwse She's here she can have that!
"Cathy love do you wanna get dinner now?" catalina asked peeking in the door "NO!" she shouted. Everything's getting changed becuwse of HER.
Catalina frowned and walked over to Cathy and knelt down and sat on her knees, "hey what's wrong" she asked, she put her hand on Cathys leg and it was immediately pushed off. "no, no she ruined everything, my routine is gone, SHE RUINED IT" she shouted, catalina was shocked to be specific, she frowns as Cathy starts rocking back and forth while tears start rolling down her face
Catalina and Jane did realize they were changing her routine but with kat here they wanted to make her feel safe, but forgot about how much it would affect Cathy.
"I'm so sorry love." she said quietly, she saw Cathy out her hands over her ears and rocked even harder,

She let Cathys meltdown calm down before talking again
"do u need anything?" she asked quietly, Cathy nodded but grabbed her arms out towards her, pressure.
She picked Cathy up and sat them both down onto Cathys bed and held her there, gently rocking her.

After 1 hours Jane and kitty came in  Jane holding kitty in her arms completely asleep.
"is she okay?" she asked "yeah. But we really need to keep on Cathys routine" she said and picked Cathy up, with her cow stuffed animal and walked towards their room with the girls and lay down with them,
Jane gently put her fingers through Cathys hair,

"goodnight love" she kissed Jane and then looked down "goodnight you too" she kissed Cathys head and eventually they all fell asleep.

The next day they talked with kitty about how Cathy is autistic and needs structure and kitty, whole young child, she understood it nearly completely and even joined in with Cathy when she stimmed and that made Cathy feel better knowing she had someone to stim with. While kitty may not need to stim. Still helped Cathy.

I just wanted to write something to start of with saying.
I'm finished 4th year for 2 months and after that 5th year. Fuck but I have 2 months
So yeah I'll try and write more.

Also reminder I'm not inferalizing my headaccon of Cathy being autistic but this is literly just child Cathy but I relate to Cathy being autistic (while I'm not diagnosed yet I'm pretty sure, I've done tons of research and asked lots of autistic poeple) but I relate to her and I absolutely love Cathys characters,
So yeah
I'll try and write more this summer

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