Kids? Or The Queens? 2

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The next day the 3 Queens were still children so they decided to do what one of them wanted to do and to their dismay kitty and Anne wanted to go swimming.
Cathy didn't really care but they went anyway.
"right you got everything?" Anna asked the tiny queen's, they nodded,
Jane and Catherine came down with their own stuff
Kitty ran over to Jane and threw herself at her, Jane laughed lightly and pat her head,
Cathy silently went over and stood beside catherine with her bag,
Catherine looked down with a small smile at Cathy, she sent a small one back.

They get into the car and Anne would not shut up,
"I swear I'm about to throw that shield out the window, I can actually say that now!" she whisper yelled to Jane in the drivers seat,
Jane shook her head, "no throwing anyone or anything" Jane tutted at her girlfriend while Catherine just turned around because Anne went quiet and saw that she was talking to kitty and Cathy was looking out the window,
Anna was in the back while kitty was on her lap because she didn't wanna move.
"you 3 alright?" Jane questioned looming back, while Catherine kept her eyes on the road,
Kitty and Anne said yeah but Cathy was zoned out.
"Cathy?" cathhy zoned back in and said yes and apologies for zoning out,
Jane rolls her eyes with a smile and turns back around.

When they got there kitty and Anne were so excited it was going to exhaust them later.
As Catherine got into the water, Anne threw herself in. Anna went towards her and picked her up from out the water,
Jane was playing with kitty
Catherine looked back and saw Cathy just with her feet in the water and a smirk came across her face and she dragged the small queen into the water.
Hearing a small happy squeal come out from her mouth she brought her up,
"noo, that's no fair!" she exclaims at catherine and out her hands on her face, Catrine picked her up and threw her slightly upwards and u could hear laughing from Jane's way, as Cathy was on cathriens back, they got splashed by Anna and Anne,
Anne on Anna's shoulders, Cathy got water and pushed it towards Anne and it hit her to hard that she fell off of Anna's shoulders. She laughs as Anna picked her up again and put her back on her shoulders,
Jane came over laughing with kitty in her arms in front of her,

Kitty swam a little and got a floaty, gave one to Anne and for herself one.
Cathy looked quite happy on Catherine's back.

They had a fun day, Anna and Anne had bonded quite a bit, Catherine and Cathy got closer that day,
Kitty and Jane were already close

When they were on the way home. Cathy was in Catherine's lap, kitty in Jane's, Anne beside Jane,
Anna was driving
"that really did exhaust them?" Jane said, the laughed and Catherine felt Cathy move.
She looked down and was met with the smallest queen's eyes, she smiled and she saw a small smile come from the queen in her lap.
"you alright bunny" Cathy looked up at the mother figure with her. "m' tired" she cuddled against her mother figure and she put her arms around the quiet queen, she felt her breathing go slow and knew she fell asleep.

The got out of the car. They brought the stuff in, Anne had woken up and was helping Anna carry the stuff in, while Jane and Catherine had to carry to 2 other tiny queen's.
Catherine went up to her own room and set down Cathy on her bed.
She got dressed and walked up to Cathy and lightly shook her awake,
She awoke with a yawn and rubbed her eyes. "hey u wanna get dressed and get dinner?" she said with a smile as Cathy light up and jumped off the bed. And ran to her own room

She went after her to see she was in a big jumper at the door, she laughed as the jumper went to the floor.
She laughed and lifted her up and put her on her hip while the small queen giggles and puts her arms around the motherly figure to her.

She went downstairs to see the others sitting down to eat, she sat down and out Cathy in the chair next to her.
"it looksike Cathy's getting eaten by the jumper" they laugh and Cathy gets embarrassed and pulls her hood up and leans back,
"hey Cathy, it's not bad I promise" she leans towards Cathy pulling her hood off and placing a kiss on her forehead,
Cathy put on a small smile and started to eat.

After dinner, it was exhausting. Anne and kitty were picky af.
Right before bed, Catherine brought Cathy into her bathroom and made her brush her teeth and brought her in to her room, knowing she won't wanna sleep alone like the night before as well as the other Queens.

She gave Cathy a shirt to out on incase it got really warm in the middle of the night, knowing she wouldn't be able to go back to bed.

Cathy flopped herself down beside Catherine. She laughed at the smaller queen and pulled her closer and let her daughter like figure cuddle until of her and nuzzled into her neck,
She rests her hands on the queen's back and starts lightly stroking her hair .
She felt happy. She felt like she had her daughter back, but she knew she didn't but she let herself feel like she did x but the small girl now a child has always been like daughter to her but right now. She felt like she had a daughter, and she was just gonna let herself sleep. Knowing she would be enjoying this time with the 3 Queens as kids.
She felt herself slip into sleep.

Thanks to aweb1122 for the idea of swimming, tank you :3

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